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kennedy's pov

"okay, i think we're done with this," i say, admiring our project. 

"we work well together," mattia smiles.

"especially when you're not bickering, youre pretty tolerable." 

"hm good to know," he nods his head. 

i giggle and put my school work away. "i'm gonna keep the project and turn it in tomorrow."

"alright sounds good," mattia says packing up. "uh i guess i'll go now."

i dont know why, i was a little disappointed that he was leaving so soon, but i was also scared to be home alone. 

"do you uh wanna stay for dinner by any chance?" i ask.

he chuckles. "like spending time with me don't you?"

"i'm being polite polibio, don't think too much of it okay? so you can either stay or go."

mattia puts his backpack down. "i'll stay."

"okay," i pretend not to care, "cool."

"let's order pizza, im craving," he suggests as he pulls out his phone to make the order.

"i can put on a movie if you want."

"pizza and a movie, sounds like a great first date." 

"if you think this is a date then the door's right there, you may leave," my hand points to the door.

"im joking im joking, why are you always so uptight?"

"just order the damn pizza mattia."


the entire night we were talking non stop and i admit i was having a good time with mattia. 

"see i like this side of you," mattia says through his smile. 

i scrunch my eyebrows and take a bite from my pizza. "what side of me?"

"the laughing, smiley, joking side of you." mattia uses his thumb to wipe the pizza sauce from the corner of my lips. 

"oh thank you." i use a napkin to wipe my mouth in case there was more sauce. "so how'd you and jenna get together?"

"it was around the middle of july and we were doing community service at the same program so we spent a lot of time together. eventually she asked me out and i said yes so that's how she became my girlfriend," mattia explains. 

"you love her?" i ask.

"i like her a lot," he corrects me. "she's good to me and i think we both treat each other well. how about you and josh? what's the story behind that?"

i smile. "knew you were gonna ask about that sooner or later."

"well you asked about my love life it's only fair that i ask about yours."

"right, fair enough. uhm josh and i were talking near the end of sophomore year but unfortunately i had to move so we never officially got together."

"and he said you stopped calling him? did you lose feelings or something?"

"no i never lost feelings for josh, and i think deep down a part me still likes him, but it was for the better. it just wasnt the right time."

"you know he really likes you right?" mattia brings up. "he still does."

"i know and i feel bad but i can't start anything, mattia," i tell him. 

"i get that. let's just finish the movie okay?" he says.

i nod and turn my face back to the tv.

mattia's pov

throughout the movie i caught myself staring at kennedy and smiling to myself. i like being the one who brought out the fun side of her. i like being the one who can make her laugh when she tries hard to be a bitch. i can already tell she likes being around me and spending time with me, i like spending time with her too.


"uh thank you for staying with me tonight," kennedy says as i grab my backpack. 

i smile and scrunch my eyebrows. "you don't have to thank me i uh wanted to be here."

"yeah, yeah i know."

kennedy seems uneasy and uncomfortable right now.

"i'll see you tomorrow in english." i walk over and give her a hug and breathe in her scent. wow she smells good. 

"see you tomorrow," she says. 

 i get in my car i start heading home but then i realized i made the wrong turn on her street so i had to make a U-turn. when i pass by kennedy's house again i saw her looking around the outside of her house with a scared expression, like she was looking if anyone was there. 

i raise my eyebrows in curiosity but shake it off and continue driving. as i turn my head back to the road i saw a familiar car drive off far in the distance, it looked like Jenna's. what was jenna doing around here, she lives on the other side.


something to hide || mattia polibioTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon