The End of the Line: P.P.

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if peter was stopping the strike missile launch! it's an au timeline, with the final winter soldier scene. involves mostly sam in the beginning :) also the attacker isn't bucky, just a rogue Rumlow bc he a hoe V_V sorry this sucked and is kinda short

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When you looked over at Peter, he was approaching you with a sad smile on his face that tugged at your heartstrings but at the same time, sent a wave of dread washing over your body because you knew that look in his eyes, that determined look that told you he was about to do something you likely wouldn't approve of.

"So, uh..." he cleared his throat, "I guess it's time for me to...go."

"Okay...try not to die out there," you joked, but the words all fell short as your throat seized up with tears. Breathing suddenly became a difficulty and what you really wanted to do in the moment was cling onto him and beg him not to go, question why he had to be the one to stop the missile launch instead of you. You couldn't stand the idea of possibly losing your best friend to a potential suicide mission. "If you die, I'm going to kill you."

"I won't," he chuckled, bringing a hand up to your face and gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. "I'll be okay, I promise. Nat's gonna be checking in with me every so often and so is Sam. And Maria. I got this."

You swallowed hard and nodded, leaning into him as his arms wrapped around your waist to bring you in for a gentle hug. Before you had the chance to open your mouth to speak again he was pulling away, pressing a fleeting kiss to your forehead, then leaving promptly.

"He's gonna be okay, kiddo. I know he will," Sam said as he rubbed your shoulder soothingly, "he'll be okay."

You were leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair, head resting against Sam's shoulder when you woke up. You'd been trying to get some sleep since you'd first arrived at the hospital, mostly because Natasha and Steve kept nagging at you to rest for once. At first you protested, but when the walls seemingly started to cave in and everything went all blurry, and you could hardly tell apart reality from hallucinations, you agreed and fell into a somewhat deep sleep.

Three days had passed since catastrophic events following the almost launch of HYDRA's new missiles, and you were pretty sure none of the team had slept properly since then. You weren't sure whether to feel happy that he was successful, or mad at Fury for sending Peter off on a mission that almost cost him his life.

He'd ended up with a stab wound and bullet wound to the right shoulder, another shot to the left shoulder, abdomen, and upper left thigh with a minor concussion upon hitting the ground after falling as well. Rumlow, who'd managed to jump on a second after he did, had not survived and was killed on impact.

"Hey, sweetheart. Underoos is awake, if you wanna talk to him," your father explained as he came out of the room with Steve. "He wants to see you."

You nodded numbly and stood up, Sam giving you an encouraging look as you stepped inside.

"Hi," Peter smiled at you. An array of cuts and bruises littered his face, his brown curls a mess as several stray hairs fell across his forehead, but he still looked breathtaking in your eyes nonetheless.

You quietly sat down at the edge of the bed, unable to speak due to shock. He observed you carefully, wondering what was wrong until you spoke up.

"Y-you idiot," you choked out, voice wavering as you struggled to keep your composure. "What were you thinking? Don't you dare try and pull off tried dangerous like that again. You could've actually died. What if you actually died? Then I'd feel like that's on me."

"But none of this was your fault..."

"I know, but...I'd only feel worse knowing I willingly let you step up to go stop that launch, with the knowledge of the fact that I could've volunteered instead. I'd rather die in your place than watch you suffer for something you never deserved to begin with."

"I'm sorry..." his brows furrowed together in concern as he watched you try to prevent the tears gathering in your eyes from falling, though he could tell you were struggling to do so. "I didn't mean to-"

You suddenly came forward and hugged him, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you held onto him tightly, afraid you were going to lose him like you'd almost done not so long ago if you let go.

"Up until now my biggest fear had been not getting the chance to tell you one last time that I loved you, that I was always going to love you, and that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. And I hate how I grew dangerously close to that actually happening, because I don't know if I'd ever be able to live with myself knowing that I never had the chance to get those words off my chest," your voice was muffled by the fabric of his shirt, "I don't know whether to hate you more for being so willing to put your life on the line without considering what effect that would have on my feelings, or myself, for ever being in love with you in the first place."

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, tightening his grip around you, "I didn't mean to worry you. I love you too."

You let out a shuddering sigh as you pressed a kiss against his cheek. He caught your wrist as you were about to pull away, however, tugging you back towards him and connecting his lips with yours.

"Do we go in yet?"

"No, dumbass. Let 'em be."

"Fine," Bucky grumbled, then held his hand out. "You owe me twenty bucks."

"This, I swear, is the last time I'm ever making a bet with you," Sam groaned as he reached into his back pocket and opened his wallet to hand him a folded twenty-dollar bill. "I'm gonna go broke someday."

"And thanks to you, my friend," he clasped the Falcon on the shoulder, "I'm gonna be rich someday. And you're not invited to my penthouse party."

"Whatever. I'd only come if there were BBQ Pringles and Gossip Girl was playing on TV, anyways."

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine is much better."

"Gossip Girl."

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine."

You then broke apart to see Bucky and Sam arguing passionately about something outside your window, so when they looked back and caught your eye you motioned for them to come in.

"Gossip Girl!"



You and Peter exchanged a knowing look. "Here we go again."

"Oh, uh, I'd like my input on this topic," Thor peeked his head through the doorway, "Once Upon A Time is superior."

"Anyways, before this man with the completely INCORRECT opinion interrupted me," Bucky cleared his throat rather loudly, "I won a bet to Samuel Whatever His Middle Name Is Wilson over here."

"Another bet?" you sighed.

"We were betting on who would kiss who first. I said you, he said Peter. I said no Y/N would, not Peter, because she's bold and likes to make the first move."

Peter sank lower against his pillow, his face flushing bright red much to your amusement.

You nudged him in the shoulder, grinning mischievously. "On a scale of one to Steve Rogers, how free are you this weekend?"

"North Korea."

"I hate you."

"I'm kidding. Pietro after he has four cups of coffee on a Saturday at 3:45 in the morning. How's 7 tomorrow night sound?"

"You're injured, stupid. Maybe Saturday at 6?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

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