Regretful: P.P (Part I)

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peter and y/n go on a mission, right after she blurts out his feelings for him and he ends up regretting not saying it back

sorry it's so short! i didn't want to make it a giant long oneshot so

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This isn't like how you planned it out to be in your head. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you could fully think through what you were saying, and it was only until you noticed the look on Peter's face that you realized what you'd just done.

You don't know why you decide to just go for it and admit to him how you felt. Maybe it's the fact that you're finally alone together in the lounge, quietly sitting next to each other as you watched the local news without being uninterrupted for the first time in what feels like months. Maybe, it's the way his easily lovable personality and chocolate-brown eyes seemed to stare deep in your soul and make your heartbeat pick up speed.

"I'm in love with you."

Peter's eyes widened slightly. "W-what?"

"Shit, I'm sorry," you spluttered as you stood up, slowly backing away from him, "i-it just slipped out, I didn't mean to say that—"

"Wait, Y/N, please don't leave..." he began. "I—"

"I'm sorry," you whispered, "uh...I should go."

With that, you left, leaving him to sit there in silence and wondering what had just happened.

"Y/N, we need to get to the meeting room in 2," Bucky knocked on your bedroom door. When you didn't respond even after he called your name again, he simply pushed the door open and walked in, seeing you sitting at the edge of your bed with tears in your eyes. "Y/N—hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," you lied as you crossed your arms over your chest, but he could clearly hear the bitter edge to your voice. "Bucky, I'm fine. Really."

"You're not fine. Come on, tell me what's wrong." He put a comforting arm around you, gently rubbing your shoulder. "Do I need to go beat someone up? I'll gladly do that for you if necessary."

"No. Unless you're fine with hurting Peter, then yes," you grumbled.

"What'd he do to you?"

"He didn't do anything. I just...I fucked up."


"I told him I was in love with him, out of nowhere. And..."

"Shit, that's tough," he sighed. "But why's that such a bad thing?"

" was all so sudden."

"I take it that his reaction wasn't too good?"

"No. I don't know if I can even face him anymore."

"Well, you'll eventually have to," he exhaled, "but you know what? Even if he doesn't feel the same way about you, it isn't the end of the world. You still have me, and Steve's shrimp tacos."

"Thanks," you sniffed, cracking a small smile. "I guess you don't suck at Call of Duty after all."

"Anytime, kiddo," he patted your back. "Now let's go, before your dad kills us for not being on time."

"About time you guys got here," Sam commented as you and Bucky entered the meeting room and took your seats, "we were just about to start without you."

"You haven't even started yet," you pointed out, "I'm not late."

As you were scanning the room, Peter's eyes locked with yours. He felt his cheeks heat up slightly and quickly looked away, knowing if he let his gaze linger any longer it wouldn't do his heart any good.

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