Taking it all Back: P.P (Part II)

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damnnnn lol I'm sorry I'm doing so many two part series lol, i have one more two-part series with steve then i promise i'll be back to normal. apologies for my awful writing reee and cliches but I LOVE HOSPITAL CLICHES IM SORRY

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"What do you want, Parker," you sighed, exasperated.

"I just wanted to check up on you and see if you were okay-"

"I'm fine! Just get back to what you were doing. I need to get to the controls room, so let me do my thing."

Turning off your comm, you skidded to a halt as you read the sign pasted on the heavy metal doors: CONTROLS ROOM - AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY.

You slid the keycard you'd taken from the unconscious guard's jacket and pressed it up to the identification pad. The light above turned bright green for a second before the door slid open, and you headed inside.

"Alright, I'm in," you informed the others as you sat down at the main computer and began typing away, inserting the flash drive that had been handed to you. "Controls room secure."

Thankfully after retrieving the intel, you were able to escape to the back perimeters with little difficulty or hesitation. Because of Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro, the area wasn't very heavily armed as you headed out. The only problem was what you'd be up against once you did, because you'd all been so focused on eliminating everyone inside.

"On three, I'll give you the signal, then we open fire," Natasha ordered. "One...two...three!"

You zipped around the corner of the fortress, guns in both your hands, and started firing rapidly. Immediately the first two bullets hit one soldier in the thigh and upper arm, then killing another with a single shot to the chest. Pietro and Wanda were fighting off four others that were quickly advancing on them, as Natasha was engaged in combat with one, jumping up and choking him with her thighs. He was dead in almost an instant.

Right at that moment, Clint and Peter swooped in from up top, with Peter webbing the remaining guards to the wall as Clint hit the remaining others with his arrows.

That's when Peter saw him.

One of the guys you'd shot in the arm managed to pull himself up to his feet, about to take aim at you from above. But by the time he opened his mouth to warn you, it was too late.

You felt a sharp impact in your gut and a searing pain shot up your side, causing you to stumble forward. His face went deathly pale, all the color draining from it as you fell to the ground holding your side.

"Y/N, you're losing a lot of blood," he stated frantically as he tore of a piece of your shirt to create a makeshift tourniquet but to his discomfort, it was soaked completely within seconds. The crimson liquid began to paint his hands and uniform and it took everything he had not to pass out on sight. He always hated the sight of blood, even his own, especially yours.

"Pete..." you croaked out, the stinging from the wound almost becoming impossible to bear. Your eyes were becoming heavier by the second, your body throbbing painfully now that all the adrenaline had worn off. It was a struggle just to take in a single breath and to stay awake. "I'm so tired, I can't do this anymore..."

There was a ringing in his ears as he heard a shrill and agonized cry tear through the air like a million little bullets. He didn't realize it was him who was making the noise until Natasha crouched down by his side and tugged him to her chest, stroking his hair comfortingly as Clint yelled out for immediate evac.

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