A Camping Catastrophe- P.P

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another fluffy little oneshot where the avengers go camping hehe

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It was spring break, and the Avengers decided on going camping, rallying up Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye, Strange, Wong, and the Guardians to tag along as well. They came with little hesitation, claiming it was a much-needed break they all deserved.

At the crack of dawn you piled into the giant, luxury minivan with Phil driving, Fury going in the other van to drive, claiming he was only coming along to make sure nobody was going to do something stupid while you were all there. Though you all knew he was a sucker for sunset hikes.

"I spy with my little eye...a vibranium-armed idiot," Sam stated loudly. Bucky shot him a death glare and flicked him in the shoulder. "Ow!"

You, Pietro, Peter, Natasha, Wanda, and Shuri were seated more towards the back, watching Gilmore Girls in mostly silence as the van moved over the windy gravel roads. About three hours or so had passed since you left the compound and it was surprisingly peaceful. It was most likely because it was still before 10 in the morning, and nobody really had any energy for bickering, except Bucky and Sam.

Scott and Luis were entertaining Cassie by playing dress up with her and her dolls, and Steve, Rhodey, and Clint were busy playing some sort of card came up towards the front. Sam and Bucky had finally stopped bickering and had agreed on playing Overcooked on Sam's Nintendo Switch peacefully.

T'Challa, Okoye, the rest of the Avengers, along with Strange and the Guardians, had gone in the other van. You were slightly disappointed as you thought Quill had some of the best taste in music out of everyone going on the trip.

Phil fiddled with the radio before some music flowed through the van's speakers. Everyone stopped what they were doing, giving each other knowing looks because this was a song that they all knew the lyrics to by heart.

Sam whipped around dramatically, using the water bottle in hand as a microphone.

"You are, my fire-"

"The one, desire..." you and Shuri jumped in, as you caught the 'mic' from him.

"Believe when I saaaaaay," Clint finished off, "I want it that way!"

"But we are, two worlds...apart, can't reach to...your heart," Scott, Luis, and Cassie chorused.

"When you say...that I want it that way!"


The six-hour drive went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were pulling up to Tony's private Maine campground with what he believed to have the most stunning views of the state's coastline and endless green forests.

"Alright, welcome," Tony spread his arms out as you stepped out of the vans, "Gather 'round, people. We're going to get tent assignments. Set up your tent with your partner, or partners, then meet by the picnic tables for further instruction."

Fury handed him a sheet of paper and he began reading off of it. "Scott, Luis, and Cassie. Fury, you're with Coulson. Okoye, Groot, and Gamora. Nat, Bruce, Clint. T'Challa, Shuri, Pietro. Y/N, Underoos, Capsicle, you're together." You exchanged high-fives with Peter and Steve. "Bucky, Quill, Clint. Sam, me, Rhodey. Mantis, Vision, Wanda. Wong, Strange, and Drax. You have half an hour to set up your tents, then we're going to start preparing lunch."

"Alright," Steve set his hands on his hips as you brought the tent out and set it down at your decided spot. "This shouldn't be too hard."

Setting up the tent only took about ten minutes, with the three of you working altogether and added with Steve's knowledge from being in the army and frequently having to pitch tents during that time.

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