Regretful: P.P (Part II)

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part 2! I'm sorry my writing is really cringey lmfao my content's been going downhill. lol also i put a tumblr quote in here somehwere

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Everything was silent once again after the last shot rang out, hitting the last agent square in the forehead as his body slumped to the ground with a dull thud. You stepped over all the agents' bodies and made your way into the controls room.

"Hey, boys," you greeted cheerfully as the guards working all the CCTV cameras at computers looked up. "How's your day been?"

The first man to jump at you were thankfully a second too slow. You managed to duck and swipe his legs out from underneath him before delivering a solid hit to his solar plexus, knocking him out cold.

The second guy was a bit faster, quickly jumping at you from behind and putting you into a strong headlock. You quickly whipped around before he could further tighten his grip on you and twisted his arm up behind his back so that he couldn't move, and elbowed him in the nose, smirking when you heard a loud crack.

Your gun clattered to the ground as you were fighting the last guard. Looking around, you realized you had no other options because if you went to pick your gun up, he'd have an advantage over you and you'd be as good as dead.

Quickly jumping in the air, you wrapped your legs around his neck, squeezing as tight as you could before backflipping off of him. You threw him across the room as you did so and landed swiftly on the ground. 

You winced slightly when his head made violent contact with the hard edge of the metal desk.

"Guys..." Wanda's concerned voice came through, and for a moment you immediately assumed the worst. "Where is Sam? We decided to separate a few minutes agoand I haven't seen him since."

"I haven't seen Sir Samuel," Thor replied. "Has anyone else?"

"I haven't," Vision said.

"We're together, I just found him," Peter replied breathlessly. You let out a loud sigh of relief. "We're on our way out."

"Got it."

Just as you were picking up your gun that had been pushed to the side of the room, you felt a sharp pain catch you in your side, causing you to buckle over and let out a string of colorful swears under your breath.

"Shit, shit, shit..." you muttered, cocking your gun with shaky fingers and aiming at the man who you thought you'd knocked out completely but didn't, hitting him in the shin and causing him to collapse. You barely managed to get out of the controls room before collapsing against a wall, clutching your stomach.

"Everyone, check in," Steve ordered.

"All clear," Sam and Peter responded.

"We're out," stated Rhodey and Tony.

"All clear," the rest of the team repeated.

"Shot," you managed to choke out before you began gasping for breath, the simple act of breathing becoming more difficult as the pain became overwhelming. "I got—"

"What?" several voices shouted all at once. You winced. "Where are you?"

"Controls room. I-"

You failed to finish your sentence as your vision grew blurry and your hand slipped, turning your comm off.

"Shit," Natasha swore as your line crackled and went silent. "Someone's gotta get her location; her comm's down. I'm on the other side and I don't think Clint and I can get to her in time."

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