Slow Motion: S.R.

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idek what's up with me and writing angst lately. but holy crap i've been updating so much wtf also tony is your older brother in this again reeeeeeeee we love that

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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. A wave of panic washed over your body as you realized what was about to happen. You opened your mouth to scream out his name, trying to warn him the best you could, but you barely got the words out because all you heard was ringing in your ears and muffled gunshots and explosions. You were moving too slowly, as if you were being dragged through honey. You weren't going to get there in time, it'd be impossible to.

Exactly three shots rang out. The first ricocheted off the bunker's metal walls, missing him by barely half an inch. The second one hit him in the right calf. Steve let out a yell of pain, but kept fighting, kept moving. The third one made contact with his lower abdomen just as he made a final, crushing blow to his assailant, causing him to fall limp within seconds.

His body collapsed in on itself and he fell to the ground, glancing down and pressing a fist against the wound blooming across his torso, blood already beginning to seep through the fabric of his suit at an alarming rate.

Fear rose inside of you but you forced it down, trying to make it to him as fast as you could, if it was even possible to run faster than you already were. There was so much blood. It wasn't that you were afraid of the sight itself, but rather that you didn't know it was possible for someone to bleed this much. Doubt began to creep up in the back of your head as you contemplated his chances of your survival but you brushed it off, because the last thing you needed was to freak out in the middle of a war zone.

But after seeing what appeared to be gallons spilled across the dirt, splattered against the walls, staining your hands and your best friend, you weren't sure how much blood and gore you could take before reaching your max.

"Tony!" you practically screamed into your comms. "Cap's hit. We need to get him the hell out of here, now!"

"Where are you?" Tony replied. You hated how eerily calm the billionaire could sound in a situation such as this one. "Give me your location."

"Ten yards away, northeast exit. Hurry your ass over here," you ordered, before disconnecting the call.

You dragged him to a more sheltered area behind a cluster of trees, propping the super-soldier up against one of them.

"What the hell were you doing, Rogers?" you panted, trying to catch your breath. "The least you could've done was call for backup!

"Just leave me behind," he tried to wave you off, but you shook your head. "There's no use. I'm dead meat anyways."

"Don't say that," you hissed as you began applying pressure to his stomach. "You're gonna be just fine."

"No, I'm not. There's a high chance one of these bullets hit a major artery, judging by the bleeding. I won't make it."

"Yes, you will! You'll be fine!" But he wasn't wrong. He was losing too much blood, too fast. You tried not to let the panic show on your face, but he could tell you were freaking out. "Just...hold still and hang in there, we're gonna be out of here soon enough."

"Please. There's no use in trying to save me. It's too late."

"No!" you shouted. "Why are you talking as if you're dying? You're not gonna die!"

"Y/N, I'm dying. There's nothing you can do to stop this," Steve let out a sigh of defeat, gently nudging your hand off his stomach to take it in his, squeezing tightly. You looked at him, feeling tears beginning to gather at the corners of your eyes. He tried to reach up and brush them away as they slipped down your cheeks, but his hand fell back down to his side as he didn't have enough energy left. He went into a coughing fit, blood spilling out of his mouth.

spider-man and steve rogers oneshots 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora