Deadweight: P.P.

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you're always the shoulder to lean on but after a certain event that took a toll on you, you finally cracked under the pressure of bearing all the burdens on your own

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If any of the Avengers said they didn't have a soft spot for you, they'd be lying. Similar to Tony, you had the same charisma and irresistible charm that made almost everyone you meet instantly love you. Your bubbly personality as well as unmatched talent was what also pushed him to ask you to join the Avengers, and for a while that's how it was: the little girl who could go from stealing everyone's hearts to kicking ass within seconds.Although you weren't always the big party animal like your father had been, you could never pass up a good superhero bonding session that included baking brownies on a Friday night with your teammates and screaming songs at the top of your lungs during karaoke.

Being a superhero wasn't an easy task, you were well aware of this, as these heroes were all forced to carry heavy weights on their backs with no one else to support them. As a result, having you around would provide a sense of relief and comfort, an escape from the chaos of the outside world. When someone was having a rough day, nothing seemed to be going right; all they needed to do was ask for you and you'd be right there, making them laugh in an instant or hugging them until they finally cracked a smile.

You silently offered to shoulder the burdens for them, and that's how it's been going: they'll tell you about their problems, you'll listen, and everything would work out, up until now.

After a mission gone wrong that leaves you behind and you're taken away, it's night after night of little to no sleep for everyone. Tony goes insane. He busies himself in the lab, burying himself knee-deep into work to distract himself from all the thoughts racing around in his brain. Peter can hardly focus during school and comes over to the compound nearly every day after class ends to spend time trying to find you with Sam and Natasha. But it was hard to track someone down when they'd suddenly vanished and left behind little to no trace at all.

When you wake up you're not back at the compound. Wanda isn't in the kitchen brewing you a latte, you aren't curled up into Steve's side while watching TV with him, and Peter's head isn't in your lap as you run your fingers through his hair. Tony isn't calling you over for dinner and you don't hear Thor yelling out songs to Disney lyrics with Pietro every other second. Instead when you try lifting your arms they're yanked back by metal restraints that were already beginning to dig into your skin and causing your wrists to bleed.

There's blood everywhere. You can't move, you can't scream, because every time you try and open your mouth you're met with a bone-chilling shock that's sent down your spine, convulsing for several seconds before falling limp and repeating it all over again.

The man in front of you is unfamiliar. You've never seen him before. All you've managed to gather about him was that he was relentless in his attempts to grill you for information. And when you protest and don't say anything, you receive either a lash to your arms and legs, a blade dragging down your stomach, or a hard slap to the face. The pain is agonizing, shooting through and burning every inch of your being but you refuse to give in because there's absolutely no way you're letting SHIELD intel fall so easily into the wrong hands.

You haven't seen the sunlight in days. Maybe weeks, even. You haven't eaten since you'd gotten here, and the hunger pangs that strike your stomach are almost as painful as the actual torture. You can easily count your ribs and you're sure that your face looks hollowed out like that of a skeleton's. You don't know exactly how much time has passed since you first got here but you were slowly starting to lose hope that anyone would come and find you at all. Maybe you'll just bleed out here, alone in your cell, from the bullet that had hit your lower abdomen after yet another day of refusing to cough up any information.

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