It's a Love Story: P.P. (Part II)

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part 2! lmao why is my writing so shitty AHAHHA

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You felt empty inside, empty without the presence of Steve, Sam, Natasha, or the rest of Team Cap around. You suspected that Tony had overheard yours and Peter's conversation that afternoon. He never asked you about it and he wouldn't have let your hours of mindless wandering around the compound late at night go without questioning if he didn't know.

Being the overprotective and loving father he was, he tried his best to keep you entertained while you were confined to the compound, offering to play Mario Kart and Uno with you.

Peter came over frequently, staying the weekend to keep you company and bringing back your schoolwork for you. Tony would invite you down to the labs sometimes to just experiment on stuff for fun, or help come up with new upgrades for his and Peter's suits.

This cycle went on repeat for the next few months. Peter came over, you hung out and caught up on homework, then Pepper would call you over for dinner and after you finished eating, would start a movie marathon until you fell asleep on the couches together.

A month before your scheduled release, the elevators slid open to reveal the sight you'd been spending countless sleepless nights hoping and praying for.

Team Cap. Tired and looking exhausted out of their minds, but relieved nonetheless.

"Steve," you breathed out shakily, standing up from your seat at the kitchen counter and making your way over to the super-soldier. Not a single thing about his appearance had changed, except for the heavy dark circles that were apparent underneath his bloodshot eyes.

"Hey, angel," he smiled softly, giving you one of his signature warm hugs. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"What about our hugs?" Sam, Natasha, and Wanda pretended to look hurt. You laughed and sprinted over to them, going in for a tight group hug. "We missed you, kiddo."

"'d you get back?" you stuttered. "I thought you were gonna be stuck in there for at least another year or so..."

"Rhodey's connections with government officials helped us get out," Wanda explained. "So here we are."

Tony and Steve had finally come to a peaceful agreement after sitting down and talking everything out, apologizing to each other for what they'd done. You felt better knowing that the Avengers were finally back together, and your spirits were lifted significantly.

You went back to school, and Ned and MJ were thrilled to see you again. Sometimes they'd come over with you and Peter to the compound after school ended, and it was so funny seeing MJ secretly fawning over Natasha. It reminded you a bit of your younger self when you'd first encountered the Avengers.

But then Peter developed a crush on Liz Allan, and you were beyond devastated. The team could tell by the look on your face that something was wrong, although after they pestered you multiple times about it you refused to say anything.

Why am I feeling this way about him? you wondered. He's been my best friend for what, seven years now? Maybe I'm just feeling overprotective. Maybe...

"No. I can't be. Peter's my best friend. I can't fall for my best friend. That breaks all the rules," you groaned as you flopped onto Natasha's bed, letting an arm fall across your face. "This isn't right."

"It is! You're practically soulmates, kiddo. You've been attached at the hip since you guys were little, and you're still just as close! If that isn't a sign that you should get together, I don't know what else is."

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