Runaway: S.R. (Part I)

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in which steve and y/n are forced on the run and they grow closer during that time period. lotssssss and lots and lots of fluff, super long. SORRY IM MAKING ANOTHER TWO PART LOL

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"Hey, Cap? Fury wants to see you in his office," Sam's voice pulled the super-soldier from his thoughts as he was in the middle of finishing up lunch. "Sounds pretty important."

Steve frowned. "Is it another solo mission?"

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me anything other than to tell you to hurry up and get over there ASAP."

"Alright." He stood up and put his plate in the sink, then went on his motorcycle for the short 10-minute ride to SHIELD headquarters.

Steve pushed open the double doors to his office, walking in to see he looked more annoyed than usual.

"Captain," Fury gave him a curt nod.

"Fury. You said you needed me for something?"

"Close the doors first. I'm not risking anyone else hearing this."

After the doors were locked shut and the blinds drawn, he pulled out a black file folder and handed it over to him. "All the information you need and the answers to any other questions you may have will be in here."

"So what exactly is going on?"

"There's a mole leaking SHIELD intel. I need you to take Agent Y/N and find somewhere to lay low until we can get this all under control."

"Why just the two of us?"

"They're conducting another manhunt for you, Y/N specifically. They believe she'll give them what they need, if they get to her." A chill ran down Steve's spine at this. "We need you to look after her and keep her safe until this all blows over."

"If it's her life that's on the line, why are you sending me off with her?"

"Because I need you to protect her. I can't trust anyone else at the moment except you. I've had Stark buy you plane tickets to Nova Scotia and a safe house there, so you'l be flown out in a few hours' time."

"We could just use the Quinjet."

"The point of all this, Rogers," Fury let out an exasperated sigh, "is to be as discreet as possible. Look, Phil's gonna drive you to JFK and you'll take off from there to Halifax."

"Yes, sir."

"Let Y/N know. Start packing as soon as you get back, and be ready to leave first thing tomorrow morning by 5."

Steve sighed, keeping his expression neutral as he took a brief look down at the file. "Understood."

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"Y/N, get packing," he ordered as soon as he got back and saw you standing in the kitchen getting a drink of water. "we need to hurry. Our flight's at 7:20."

"What? Flight? Our flight? What are you talking about?" Your brows were drawn together in confusion. "What's going on?"

"Look, why don't you start packing now and I'll explain to you while you're doing that. We don't have much time left."

As you were neatly folding clothes and putting them into your suitcase, Steve opened the file he was given again and quickly skimmed over the information that was inside.

"Now will you tell me what's going on?" you spoke up after several minutes of silence.

"Someone's trying to leak SHIELD intel and they're coming after you. They think you'll help them get what they need once you're persuaded to," he explained, his eyes darkening. "We can't let them get to you."

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