Keep You Close: S.R.

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requested from a LONG time ago. y/n and steve struggle to get pregnant and are overjoyed when they find out they're expecting. also ft dr strange ik hes a neurosurgeon but lets pretend he delivers ur baby in this reeeeee also that's what steve looks like when he gets the news look at his smile LDJKDFS this is an AU that takes about six months after the accords :)

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"Y/N! How's it going in there?" Natasha called out, knocking on the door as you slid down to the floor in shock, back pressed against the wall. "You ready?"

"Yeah...just a minute," you replied, picking up the stick with trembling hands and feeling your heart stop as you saw the two pink little lines in the viewing window.


"So?" your best friend gave you a hopeful look as you came out of the bathroom, pregnancy test clutched in one hand and running the other through your hair. "What'd it say?"

You didn't reply, simply handing the test over to her.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant?"

You nodded. "I...I didn't think..."

"No wonder you kept throwing up every morning after sparring with Barnes for the past three days," her eyes widened in realization as she began piecing everything together. "I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, I know," you let out a shaky breath, "it's been what, almost two years, and-"

"Y/N! Nat! Scott and Luis just got here with some Chipotle. You gonna come over here before I eat your food or what?" Sam shouted from the kitchen.

"In a minute!" Natasha yelled back, then turned to you again, grinning widely. "How are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know...I'll just improv it, I guess."

"I'm so happy for you!" she squealed, throwing her arms around you and pulling you in for a crushing hug. It was impossible not to break into a grin at her excitement as you hugged her back, and the two of you stayed like that for a few seconds as she swung you from side to side. "So how far along do you think you are?"

"I don't know...judging by the symptoms I'd say around 8 weeks."

You headed down the hall to the lounge and kitchen area together, instantly greeted with the sight of large brown bags scattered across the island and an eager-looking Luis and Scott.

"Ayyeee, wassup, Y/N?" Luis pulled you in for a quick bro-hug. "How you been doing?"

"Good," you chuckled, "Thanks for the food. I'm starving."

Natasha sent you a subtle wink at this.

"Yeah man. So basically Scotty and I go to Chipotle with Tony, right? Anyway, I downloaded the app about three weeks ago because I heard it could score you some pretty sick deals. Then we head inside the restaurant, and there's this really long-ass line because we completely forgot we were coming in at rush hour. We end up waiting for about 40 minutes before we finally get to the front to order but right as I was about to ask for my burrito Tony got so pissed since we were waiting for so long and pulled a Karen on the manager saying that they were understaffed and needed to improve their customer service and stuff, eventually after a few minutes of arguing we get free food! You gotta love getting free food, ya know. It gives me that same awesome feeling like when Abuela gives me extra tortilla chips with my carne asada on Friday nights when I come over to eat at her restaurant, man."

"Damn," you breathed out, "thank you, Tony."

"You're welcome," the billionaire smirked.

"Okay, then," Natasha clasped her hands together, "Y/N has some exciting news to share."

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