Hold Me While You Wait: P.P.

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in which he leaves for a mission and you're plagued with nightmares of him dying. slight angst warning and father-daughter relationship with tony rdasf this song gave me inspiration n im sorry this oneshot is shitty..but i really wanted to give you guys a new peter update sooo

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Peter's busy talking to Sam by the Quinjet as you arrive at the hangar bay, just about to board when he's finished reading the manila folders containing instructions for their mission. At first you think he's not going to turn around and notice you there, but he does. He immediately drops the serious, stoic expression he was wearing, eyes locking with yours. Before you can scold yourself or think about what you're doing you break into a stride, sprinting towards him as fast as you can and launching yourself into his arms. He almost fails to react but luckily, he catches you in time.

He doesn't question why you're suddenly clinging onto him as if your life depends on it because really, he was hoping to see you one last time before he has to leave. Reciprocating your gesture, he wraps his arms tightly around you and brings you close to his chest. A look that he's never seen flashes in your eyes when you let out an audible sigh, forehead pressing against his shoulder as you let yourself stay there for a moment before pulling away.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" you asked as you looked up at him. "You didn't tell me you were being sent off."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fury didn't tell me until an hour ago," Peter apologized, bringing a hand up to cup your face, thumb skimming gently across your cheek. "It was last minute."

"How long will you be gone?" You tried your hardest not to sound hopeful, but the tone your voice held was a clear indication that you really didn't want him to go and that you'd miss him much more than you wanted to admit.

"Nine weeks. Two months," he said quietly, almost as if he's regretting even speaking these words in the first place. "If everything goes right, then one."

"Okay," you nodded numbly, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. "Please stay safe and...try not to die while you're at it. Don't do anything stupid while you're out there."

"I got the Falcon over here to do the risky and stupid stuff for me," the teenager reminded you, as Sam shot you a thumbs-up in reassurance, "Don't worry, I'll be okay."

"Alright," Bucky spoke up, rolling his eyes, "are you two kiddies gonna keep staring at each other like you see galaxies or are we gonna get going? Fury says we have a limited time frame to get this done."

You coughed awkwardly at his statement, feeling the heat rise up your cheeks.

"So, uh, see you soon," you cleared your throat, "I'll see you again in two months."

"Yeah." He nodded, pausing for a moment, almost as if he's trying to debate on something, before leaning down and pressing a swift kiss to your forehead. "You take care of yourself, Y/N."

It's hard to ignore the weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, the butterflies fluttering around your insides that linger for a while even after he takes off. You would be standing there in a trance for hours if it weren't for Pietro calling out for you to 'get your lovestruck ass back inside.'

The first few weeks pass by in a blur. You try to distract yourself from your thoughts of missing Peter immensely by occupying your schedule with getting ahead on your AP Chemistry homework, going down to the labs and working on a new project with Tony and Bruce, baking with Wanda, sparring with Steve, or watching Grey's Anatomy with Vision, Rhodey, and Clint.

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