Back to the Future: S.R.

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steve's mother is brought to the present with the help of time travel and she immediately ships you and him together :) FLUFF and let's imagine his winter soldier look again bc aHLJDF AU TIMELINE. idk what sarah rogers actually looks like so ..

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"Hey! It's one of my favorite kickass superheroes!"

"My favorite Baskin Robbins employee!"

Scott squeezed you into one of his signature tight bear hugs. "Hi! It's been a while."

"Two months is pretty long, yeah," you nodded in agreement. "Where's Cassie?"

"She wanted to come, but had to go to a friend's birthday party," he explained. "I can bring her here next time she's free, though."

"Sounds good."

"So, what'd Tony call me over for again?"

You quickly looked around the lounge before lowering your voice to a whisper. "Steve's birthday is today and we wanted to plan a special surprise for him."

"Ooh, surprises? I love surprises!" he said as you sat down at the kitchen counter together, taking a bite out of a chocolate chip cookie. "I'm listening."

"So..." you rested your chin on your hand as you spoke, "we're going to bring his mother back from the 40's..."

"That's amazing! So everyone else is in on this, right?"

"Yeah. I'm having Sam keep Cap out of the compound for at least another hour by making them take a run throughout all of Central Park. We should probably head out now. You got the van, right? And Luis?"

"Yeah, he's waiting outside by the curb. I'll let him know."

"Okay. Meet us in the hangar bay."

Sliding your army green parka, you grabbed your purse and took the elevator down to the giant hangar bay, where the rest of the team had all gathered. Tony was fiddling with the controls panel as Natasha opened the gates, allowing Luis and Scott to park the van inside.

"Aye, wassup, Y/N?" Luis stepped out of the vehicle as Scott prepped it for the time travel, giving you a high-five. "So I hear you're planning a surprise for your boyfriend?"

"Steve's not my boyfriend," you shook your head.

"Yeah? Then what's with all those lingering gazes?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't."

"When are they getting back?" Wanda asked you.

"We have about..." you tapped your watch a few times, "...exactly 52 minutes from now."

"I feel kinda bad," Peter admitted, "I mean, as soon as Cap wakes up we kick him out of the compound to go running and we're acting like we all forgot what today is."

"Don't worry, kiddo, this'll make up for it," Tony reassured him, clasping his shoulder. "I'm sure of it."

"Alright, so here's the plan," you clasped your hands together, "two of you will be sent back to 1935, a year before Sarah Rogers passed away. You'll explain the situation when you arrive and while that's happening, the rest of us will start setting up the party in the lounge. When you're ready, press the buttons on your suits and come back. Capiche?"

"Capiche," everyone replied in unison.

"Great. Who's willing to volunteer?"

"Clint and I can go," Bucky offered, glancing over at the archer for confirmation, and he nodded in response. "I know my way around there very well."

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