Alone Together: S.R.

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a cute bit of steve fluff. hope you enjoy! if you have any requests feel free to comment here or dm me :) au in which you're 31 ish, steve's 33 also im sorry this is trash

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Winter in New York City was a breathtaking sight unlike any other. The crystalline appearance of freshly fallen snow glittered brightly every time it hit the sunlight, looking as if someone held a thin, white sheet over as much ground as possible. Snowflakes fluttered around and danced in the air, fluffy clouds lightly dotting the sky like bits of cotton candy that you'd typically see at the county fair.

You and Steve weren't a couple, but moments like these in which you got to spend time together without the interruption of someone else on the team were extremely rare. You both found solace and comfort in taking walks downtown, admiring the hustle and bustle of your surroundings. Though your outings weren't always filled with chatter, his company was the only thing you really needed sometimes, and his as well. You'd taken to walk around Central Park together from time to time, and seeing that New York during its winter months was absolutely stunning, you didn't want to miss out on the opportunity despite the freezing, almost sub-zero temperatures.

Snow crunched like sugar underfoot with each step you took, your breath rising up in visible white puffs due to the chilling temperatures outside. The bitter cold seeped through your mittens, causing you to rub your arms in an attempt to stay warmed up although you were wearing several layers at once.

Steve noticed you shivering and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. He was rather warm, and you let out a small sigh of contentment at this.

"So, do we have an escape plan in case we get tackled by fangirls?" you spoke up after nearly half an hour of straight silence. "You know, it's good to be prepared."

"Just make a run for it, I guess," he raised an eyebrow at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But if you fall behind, I'll give you five seconds to catch up and after that, you're on your own."

"Ew." You visibly shuddered at the thought of being pounced on by overeager fans.

"Don't worry, your beloved Captain America will protect you," Steve puffed his chest up as he struck his signature 'Cap' pose. "It's my duty to save the damsel in distress."

You simply rolled your eyes at him and laughed, lightly smacking him on the chest. "You know, I sometimes question whether you're three, or thirteen. Or a hundred fifty-seven."

"Those answers are all wrong. Literally speaking, 33."

"Physically? No. Mentally immature? Yes. I'd say you have the mindset of a little boy. So technically," you tapped your chin for a moment, "that would mean I'm more mature than you are, right?"

"Dream on, Y/N," he scoffed, "everyone knows you're a child deep down."

"And that's coming from the super-soldier who claims to be tough-hearted, but cried over Tangled during one of our weekly movie nights?"


"Who knew Captain Rogers had a heart," you joked.

Steve chuckled at this, tightening his grip around you slightly as you continued walking down the sidewalk. You tried to ignore the weird feeling you got as he did so, knowing that you couldn't afford to overthink his actions so often.

He cleared his throat. "You gonna whip up those cookies for us when we get back?"

"Snickerdoodle or triple chocolate fudge?"

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