Breakaway: P.P.

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in which you're a total BADASS :) AU 2017-18 ft stealth suit steve :) tony's your dad :)) IM SORRY THIS IS HORRIBLY WRITTEN AND IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG

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Considered by many as a child prodigy and miracle, you were not a force to be reckoned with. You began training in the art of covert espionage and hand-to-hand combat when you were only eight years old, as Tony had close ties with Hill and Coulson and wished for you to follow in his footsteps: to one day, save the world when he could no longer carry his legacy. Quickly making a name for yourself, you shot up the ranks, and by the time you turned thirteen you'd already successfully flown and landed three fighter jets.

Your unparalleled talent was what landed you the title of the STRIKE team's new commander at the fresh age of sixteen. Widely respected by many, your hard work had finally earned you the title of one of America's top spies.

The only downside to being one of the best agents in the country was the fact that you hardly ever got breaks. It seemed as soon as you got back from one mission and sat down to relax, you'd shoot right back out of your seat because you were called in for yet another.

Upholding your duties as both a SHIELD agent and Avenger was an exhausting task. The team could clearly see you were tired out of your mind, though you refused to seek help from any of them because you claimed you could handle it perfectly fine on your own.

"Sweetheart, you should go get some sleep," Tony came up behind you and began rubbing your back soothingly as you sat slumped over in Steve's office chair, staring blankly at your laptop. "The mission reports can wait 'til tomorrow."

"Sleep is for the weak, Dad."

"Sleep is essential for teenagers, and you're a teenager. You need to get some rest, I'm being serious," he said in a slightly stern tone, "or you're going to get sick."

"Says the one who never sleeps himself," you argued. "I gotta stay awake. Fury told me to be on call in case I'm deployed again."

Tony let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead. As much as he supported the work his daughter was doing for the world, he still couldn't help but wonder if it was too much for you as your sleeping schedule was completely messed up, you always looked as if you were on the verge of passing out, and you seemed to have lost your once cheerful aura.

"Aaaand there we go," you pointed at the new notification that lit up the computer screen.

"Group or solo?"

"Just me, Sam, Peter, Cap, and Bucky, the rest of Team Alpha."

"You better watch your back out there. Funerals are expensive."

"Dad," you chuckled, "I'll be fine. You know how I am."

"Alright, alright. Now will you try and get some rest?"


Realizing how tired you were, you let out a yawn, allowing Tony to scoop you into his arms like he did when you were little and tuck you into bed, pulling the sheets over your body.

"Sleep tight, princess," he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room.

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"Morning, mini Stark," Bucky greeted as you came out of the elevators still in your Avengers pj pants and Peter's Midtown T-shirt the next day. "Got any plans?"

"Yup," you popped the p, then gestured to him, Steve, Bucky, and Peter all standing around the counter, "and it involves you guys."

"Where are we going?'

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