Lost Without You: P.P. (Part II)

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part twoooooooo im so sorry the last part was really depressing akfljaklsdjfkldjsf and im sorry it took me so long to post this. also im sorry that the ending is really stupid lol

• ⋆━━━━━ ☆✭☆ ━━━━━ ⋆ •

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months.

Two days became two weeks. Two weeks became two months.

Then three.

Then four.

Four months since the Avengers had lost one of their youngest but greatest fighters.

While you were safely hidden away at SHIELD HQs, everyone was left to suffer with their grief. The thought made bile rise up in your throat. You felt horrible for leaving them, but you knew you had to do this. For your own safety.

Fury had taken temporary custody over you during that time. He tried his hardest to be a good father figure, to comfort you, although doing so was rather difficult. You loved him, and he had to admit he had a soft spot for you as well, but you hated leaving the Avengers behind without saying your final goodbye.

"Y/N, dinner," Maria said gently. "Can you open the door for me? I have my hands full."

The penthouse they'd given you on the upper levels was didn't fall short from luxurious at all. With a panoramic ceiling-to-floor window showing off the entire city that gave way to the best sunset views, fluffy bedsheets and pillows, comfortable lounge chairs, sofas, and a giant bathroom, you could say you were living in paradise. You appreciated all their efforts to make you comfortable, but no amount of superficial things could make you forget the heavy weight pressing down on your back.

You shuffled over in your slippers and opened the door for Maria, inviting her inside, and she placed the tray down on the coffee table.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" You nodded, taking a seat across from her on your beanbag chair, as she sat down on the couch.

"I know it's been hard on you these past few months," she explained. "Did Coulson ever explain the full details of the situation?"

"No...I don't think he did. Either that, or I don't remember."

"Your location was compromised when you and Tony were sent off to northern Scotland. HYDRA's conducting a manhunt for you and he believed keeping you here until we caught the guys was the safest way to go, because..."

"...why try and kill someone who's already dead?"


"I just really miss them," you murmured, looking down in your lap as you absentmindedly fiddled with your thumbs.

"I know. You'll be back soon enough."


"Well," her smile brightened a bit at this, "maybe within the next few weeks. Hang in there, alright?"


"Look, I managed to convince Nick to play a round of Uno with you, so you might wanna hurry up to his office after you finish eating before he changes his mind."

"Got it."

Maria left afterwards, and within ten minutes you'd scarfed down your food and were in the elevator heading up to Fury's office.

"Miss Y/N."

"Hi, Director."

"Maria said something about an Uno match?"

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