Jessica (God Dammit All)

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A Year Ago  

Rosemary was always writing her fanfiction these days. It helped distract her from thoughts of Juliet, of David, of Sidney, and of anything else in her life. Wattpad had become her new hometown, and the only person she wanted to visit her there was Andrea. After all, she was the one person Rosemary consulted about all her writing, her trusted best friend - underneath Juliet, that was.

Juliet. There was way too much surrounding that name for a thirteen year old to have to think about. Did she love her? Did she not? What was going on with David? Did anyone actually know?

As she wrote, a notification popped up. Someone had left a message on her board.

"Hey, your book is amazing, but I was kind of wondering if it would be okay if I left some constructive criticism in the comments? I just think there's a lot of unfulfilled potential, and want to help it out a little."

Rosemary smiled a little bit at that. She was always down for constructive criticism. There was no way she'd have known just what would become of the friendly girl who was going to edit her fanfiction, though. Would she not have responded if she had known? She didn't know.

It wasn't long before she found out the other writer's name was Jessica. They became author friends, editing one another's books, playing writing games as exercises, and talking about books they were reading. Sure, Rosemary didn't know her, but it was as if she did. She was almost distracted from Juliet. Almost.

When she found out that Jessica was actually nineteen and a sophomore in college, she realized how naive her affections had been. You can't know a person that well through the internet... right?

Except, it wasn't long before this psychology major started to deduce Rosemary's entire life. She always knew when something was up, could tell if something particularly significant had happened that day. She saw through all of Rosemary's lies and walls of protection, and told her exactly what she was thinking about. Every time. She always knew.

So, naturally, they became the best of friends.



"Have you ever seen her?" Juliet demanded.

"Yes." Rosemary rolled her eyes. "She's twenty years old, in college to get a degree in psychology, and yeah. She's great."

Rosemary was trying to get Juliet to meet her internet friend, Jessica. They met on Wattpad and somehow this made her trustworthy or whatever. They'd been friends for maybe a year and Rosey was sort of obsessed with her.

"Fine. Whatever. We'll do it."


JR: Hello, Juliet! Rosey had told me so much about you.

AP: That's nice. So, yeah. Hey. What's up?

JR: Well, not really much, um. I'm talking to you two? Instead of having a life like normal college girls?

AP: Fair enough.

JR: By the way, I ship it.

Of course, she would. Everyone did. No really. Everyone.

JR: I don't want to scare you off, sorry. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Seth to death but I don't think they're going to go on forever the way he seems to plan.

AP: Oh, um. I guess?

RI: Jessica, what are you doing?

JR: Nothing, Rosemary. You know I ship it.

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