Present Day

David had lied to her in almost the same way. A year later, she was with him, and doing basically the same. But was she doing it to him, or to Juliet, was the real question...

"David. I love u. Don't ever doubt that. I am so sorry but I have to do this. Forgive me. I cheated on u with Juliet. I am so, so sorry. I have to die now. But u can do it without me. -RM"

He didn't answer, and she didn't care. She wrote out a note for Jocelyn, Vrishin, both of the Seths, and Juliet. She would send them right after she took whatever pills she had decided on.

I am sorry for this. I know that David and I were the parents to our little "family", but I did a terrible thing. I cheated on him, with Juliet. I'm a lesbian, and I can't let myself live on knowing all of the people I hurt. I love you, my baby. You are my favorite daughter, now and forever. I hope that even though I did that, and am about to do this, you still have it in you to love me, your mum. You were always there when I needed someone. You know my deepest and darkest secrets, and you helped me through some of my hardest times. I would have never made it this far without you.
Song for you: Terrible Things, by Mayday Parade
I'm sorry.
Love, Mum.


We've known each other not a couple months, and I'm sorry that it has to end so soon. I'm dead, now, if you're reading this, or at least as good as. But in this short amount of time, I've come to feel I've gained a new close friend, one I'd hoped to keep for a long while yet. In a weird, platonic sense, I love you, and I trust you with a lot. You were like, my platonic soulmate, I guess. I always had hoped we'd be best friends some day. You know me sometimes better than I know myself, all the way down to what you said after the eighth grade farewell. I am a lesbian, in love with another girl. And I don't know how you knew that, but in the end, maybe this is the cause. I cheated on him, Vrishin, and I can't live with that. I hurt him, and more importantly, I hurt her, the girl I love.
Song for you: Count on Me, by Bruno Mars
Forgive me for this.

Love, Rose.

Seth (the cool one).

I remember when you deemed me one of your best friends... haha. Well, you're one of mine. Don't pretend with me, now. I know that you have a thing for me. That's totally okay, it just makes this kind of suck. I've killed myself, which is why you're reading this, and I'm so sorry for that. As I'm sure you know, Juliet and I have been flirting a lot lately... and at first, I was so, so happy. She loves me too, you know? And Seth... I don't know what to do anymore. One thing led to another and I was falling so in love and I was in so deep... Now it's turned into cheating on David. I can't live with myself. When he finds out, he'll be so hurt... You are my best friend, Seth. I love you, in that platonic, fandom-wife to fandom-husband way.

Song for you: Prove You Wrong, by He is We

I'm so sorry.

Love, your Amelia Pond.

Seth (the annoying one).

Know that I call you the annoying one with all endearment, my friend. I'm not bisexual, or pansexual... I'm gay. You were totally right when you guessed that, even if you were just trying to irritate me. I want to beg your forgiveness for everything, as I have with the few others I have left a special note for, but honestly, I don't deserve that. I did something terrible, and to your best friend. I won't go into the details or really even touch on it, but just know that is why this note is here. I will never hurt him again, because I will be gone. Thank you for being such a dear friend to me this past month, and I'm sorry for being sharp with you all those times. In the end, I didn't understand why if I were into girls, I could've fallen for you, way back when. I didn't get it. But now, I accept it. I guess you were a weird exception to the rule.

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