"I'm sorry Kat is  busy at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep." She giggles. Manda just moans again.

"Hehe." Kat laughs under her breathe. I can't help but lean in closer to her face but she doesn't react. I forgot about my busted lip! Ugh why Jeff and Clockwork! I frown.

Kat notices and she kisses me on the cheek to cheer me up, but I want more. I pull her closer to me and she actually responds to me. She wraps her arms around me. I whisper to her,

"Wish my face wasn't fucked up."

She laughs under her breathe. "Your still cute." She smiles. I feel as I might develop my blush, but I don't think I am.

"Can I just try?" I ask gently. She finally gives in and gives me a small nod. I smile in victory. I haven't kissed her in like...almost one whole DAY! I lean in until Mandas voice interupts us.

"Aye! No tongue fucking when I'm here!"

"Go in he other room then?" I suggest.

"No!" She pouts.

"Fine then I guess we'll have to leave the room." I suggest. Manda looks horrified.

"O-Okay I'll leave!" She says then dashes out if the room. Kat laughs at me.

"That will definitely keep her away!" She smiles. Before I know it I take her chin in my grasp then press my lips against hers. It stings my lower bottom lip but I don't care! I just need to have a little affection with her besides hugging. This isn't the fifth grade.

Kat soon pulls away. Ugh, the fun was just about to begin. I'm not gonna let her slip away this time. I pull her closer she laughs a little.

"We cant-" she starts to say, but I shush her.

"Yes, we can." I say. Since she doesn't want me to do anything I guess I'll try no kisses! Ugh, this is really hard. I just burry my face in her neck. I don't do anything just give her a big hug! Hugs are nice....I'm not used to them so I like them.

"Your so cute!" She laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I say. Which makes her laugh even more. Kat wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace.

"Are you guys done?!" Manda shouts from the other room which makes her voice sound muffle.

"No!" I shout back, Kat gives me one of her 'really? Really Toby?' Looks. I sigh then Kat gets Manda back into the room.

"Wait- Where's Tim?" Kat asks. Ugh, why does she care? He's a lady stealer! Kat shouldn't care, but then again Manda cares for Masky so I guess Kat cares? I don't even know.

"He went home."

"Oh, okay. Did you guys have fun?" Kat asks. I walk behind Kat and embrace her from behind. She doesn't seem to mind me.

"Actually I did! We had a really good time I haven't had fun in forever." Manda sighs the last part.

"That's good." Kat smiles at her.


I'm so bored now! Kat and Manda left for a girly date. So now I'm all alone in my empty depressing house. I had to go back to my house because Kat's mom is supposed to be arriving back to her house, sadly. I wish me and Kat had more time alone. Kat has been so distant lately. I think the incident with Jeff and Clockwork shook her up a little bit. So she has been really careful with me, like she isn't that affectionate anymore. She says she dosnet want to hurt me anymore than I already am. I'm fine though.

I sigh then just stare at the wall. I'm bored. I jerk my head to see Masky walk in the house without his mask on. I've never seen him without his Mask off. He would never even take it off when he was taking his pills or smoking a cigarette. But now he's all up for it.

"Hey, where's the girls?" He asks.

"They're out." I say, trying to keep a small conversation. I'm not in the mood to talk to him, I've already been thinking...too much. He sits on the chair that's to my right.

"Oh, so what's up?" He tries to make a conversation with me. I roll my eyes.

"Nothing, Timothy." I smirk. I love annoying Masky.

"Just Tim." He sighs.

"Whatever you say, Timothy." I snicker at him.

"Its not Timothy, you dont even know my real name!"

"Yeah its Tim." I say.

"Or is it?" He smirks at me. Ugh, idiot. Thanks a lot Kat leaving me here with this Dumbass. "Come on Slendy has a job for us!" He says then gets up.

"Ugh,fine lemme get dressed." I get up and march towards my room. I wonder what our task is for today. Well I'll find out later, right now I need to put my regular clothes on.
In Toby's mind regular clothes are his killer clothes


Kat's P.O.V

"Okay, why did you drag me to the mall with you?" I ask Manda as she was going into a book store. I looked around and saw various of shelves, all holding several different books. I've always liked books. Every page has a new adventure in them. Each book is different in so many ways, they never seize to amaze me.

"Girls day out, oh and you need a dress!" Manda says while taking out a book from a dark wooden shelf.

"Oh, yeah that." I approach a shelf, I scan the titles on the books. I take out a book by random. I recognize it as a house of night book. I love these books, I have almost all of them. I just need the last one. This is the first one, which was the best one. I love these books so much they always made me want to keep reading.

"I think I could ask someone for the dress money..." I say in a guilty tone.

"Who?" She turns to me.

I'm gonna sugar-code this for her. "S-L-E-N-D-Y"

"Oh okay!" Manda says, then someone from behinds us shushes us.

"Sorry..." She whispers. "Will he give you the money for it?"

"I thinks so, I feel bad that I have to ask him for it." I sigh, Manda gives me a confused look.

"He will understand."

"Eh, I just feel selfish asking him for money. I don't like depending on people for things." I sigh. The reason is because when I always relie on others they always let me down. Ugh.

"Your not  selfish. There's nothing wrong with asking for help."

"Yeah, I guess."

Manda and me walk around the mall for a while still talking about everything that's going on. I'm happy that she wants to help with me too. It makes me really happy.

Manda wants to start the wedding in two weeks time. That sounds good, I just don't wanna rush the wedding. I'm not in rush at all. You know I'm not even sure why Toby proposed especially at such a young age. He must really...love me. That puts a stupid grin on my face. Wow, I still grin like an idiot thinking about him.

Sorry if this chapter was boring, note will happen in the next chapter trust me ;)

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