He flops on the bed rubbing his face out of frustration. This is why he avoids his father most of the time. The conversations always make him go crazy with thoughts he doesn't want to encourage.

Wanting to do nothing more than sleep, Taehyung grumpily gets out of his bed heading to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower and hopefully erase the memory of the conversation he just had.

The gates to the animal shelter are wide open when Taehyung arrives there the next day. He might have lost his track on the way but he somehow managed to find the place and he's sure of it because he sees Kihyun standing outside the main door talking on the phone. He walks up to Kihyun with a huge smile that is returned to him when Kihyun finally noticed his presence.

"You actually came!" Kihyun hugs Taehyung hanging up his call.

"I promised you I would."

"Well you arrived at a good time. We're about to bathe the puppies."

"Oh my god can I help!"

"Of course you can! That's what you're here for!"

Kihyun takes Taehyung inside the main building introducing him to the staff and other volunteers on that floor. He tells Taehyung that the bathing room for puppies is upstairs and takes the elevator, instructing him about how they work in pairs here. Once they reached the third floor Kihyun guides him towards a room where he sees a litter of golden retriever puppies along with a few others and someone who he had forgotten was going to be here today.

"You and Yoongi can bathe Yoon okay?" Kihyun asked or more like said, Taehyung couldn't point out. He just now noticed the small brown puppy in the officer's arms.

"Yoongs!" Kihyun called making Yoongi look up. He was not expecting Taehyung to be standing there and so he forgot to conceal his gummy smile.

"Taehyung." He said dropping his smile immediately.

Taehyung awkwardly waved at him and if he had any thoughts of how cute this officer's smile is then he surely wouldn't voice them out after seeing his reaction. After getting an explanation from Kihyun, Yoongi and Taehyung stepped inside the spacious bathroom. Yoon still in the officer's arms.

"You might want to change your clothes." Officer Yoongi said to Taehyung and honestly, there could have been a better way to start a conversation.

"Um no I'm good." Taehyung said trying to adjust the water to lukewarm.

"Bathing a dog is always messy. Stay here I'll get you spare clothes."

Taehyung wanted to protest but Yoongi was already out of the bathroom. He frowned looking at the retreating man. Officer Yoongi looked different today. He wasn't dressed professionally, if jeans and tucked in shirt could qualify for formal outfit. Today he was in sweats, looking oddly 'homey'. His hair wasn't covered with a snapback or a beanie. His jet black hair was down covering his forehead giving him a look of a young teen. And that smile a few seconds ago made him look even more approachable. It's like he has two different personalities.

"Kihyun gave me his clothes and I think they'll fit you." Yoongi entered the bathroom holding a bundle of clothes in one hand and Yoon in another.

"Change. I'll go get the towels. Also, close the faucet, you're wasting warm water." 

Taehyung's eyes widened when he realised he left the shower running and quickly closed it. He took a deep breath to clear his mind off useless thoughts before removing his shoes and socks followed by his jeans. He wore the basketball shorts that fortunately fit him. As he was in the process of taking off his T-Shirt the door opened making him stumble back a little.

"Holy sh.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to barge in!" Yoongi apologised screwing his eyes shut and turning around.

"It's fine! It's okay." Taehyung squeaked with a red face.

With Yoongi's back facing him now, he quickly change his T-Shirt, wearing the long sleeved tee Yoongi brought. He didn't trust his voice at the moment so he tapped the officer's shoulder to let him know he's done. Yoongi sighed turning around and going to the shower faucet to fix the temperature again, all the while having Yoon chew his fingers. The puppy was teething and didn't have any of his toys here, so Yoongi allowed it this once.

"Hold him." The officer's voice was a few octaves down but it lacked the rude tone it always had.

Taehyung held Yoon as Yoongi brought ahead the faucet to wet his tiny body. Yoon obviously didn't like the feeling of being wet and began shaking, trying to get out of Taehyung's grip. Yoon shook off his body sprinkling water on both the males. Yoongi groaned while Taehyung giggled. He held the naughty puppy tighter, not too much to hurt him, while Yoongi lathered soap on the puppy's body, cleaning under his tail and paws. He washed the puppy with water getting wet again, being cautious of the eyes and ears. Yoongi grabbed the towel wrapping Yoon in it watching the puppy squealing and growling at Yoongi.

"I will take all your toys away if you don't drop that attitude." Yoongi warned Yoon and to Taehyung's utter surprise, the puppy groaned one last time before slumping down quietly into Yoongi's arms.

"Yoon understands you." Taehyung said as Yoongi put the puppy down in one of the rooms of the floor, drying him.

"I guess."

"Have you been coming here everyday?"

Yoongi nodded.

Silence fell between them as Yoongi tried to dry Yoon off as much as he could but the impatient puppy just wanted to run around and bite into his toys. When Yoongi finally let him go, Yoon ran straight for his squeaky bone aggressively biting it. Taehyung saw a faint smile appear on Yoongi's face.

"I think we should start over." Taehyung said. He didn't want to be awkward around the officer. He wanted to be friends seeing as how soft Yoongi's heart actually is. Taehyung might have judged him too quickly for which he feels bad. Hence why he wanted to make up for it by being friends.

"I think so too."

"Really?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

He was preparing himself for an arguement with Yoongi but apparently that's not going to happen.

"It's because Kihyun yelled at me for treating you bad when you didn't know anything."


"And because I feel he's right."

Yoongi was avoiding Taehyung's eyes but he could hear the sincerity in his words. Taehyung cleared his throat after a short pause smiling brightly and extending his hand.

"Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm a high schooler." Taehyung flashed his boxy smile.

Yoongi chuckled, looking at the boy who almost resembles Yoon. He captured Taehyung soft hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Officer Min Yoongi."

"Nice to meet you officer-"

"Hyung." Yoongi interrupted. "You can call me hyung."

"Nice to meet you Yoongi hyung. I hope we get along."

"Same here kiddo."

They laughed at each other, spending the rest of the hours playing with puppies and grooming them. Taehyung discovered that Yoongi is actually a hilarious person even when he's being absolutely sarcastic. And he was also from Daegu! Yoongi told him about the animal shelter there and about the farm animals that they have there. Taehyung whined about wanting to visit that place and yoongi even went as far as saying that he'll take him there when day, shocking kihyun. Though kihyun didn't say anything because yoongi was finally talking with someone. Talking more than a few words.

They were getting along. Definitely getting along.

Thank you for reading and voting :)

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