10K turned to Murphy with a wariness as he explained about how his bite helped people. 10K wanted to speak up, to tell them letting their daughter die was better as images of Cassandra flashed through his head and he hated the idea of standing by and letting that happen to a little girl. But instead of speaking up something held him back as the family, in their desperation, accepted and let Murphy bite their daughter. Then, like nothing happened Murphy got back in the armored truck, making sure 10K was with them, and drove off.

Bailey POV

She kept walking down the dirt road following the tracks until she came across a few dead zombies. She passed them by not giving them a second thought until she saw something very odd. She turned back and crouched by the bodies looking closer at their wounds. The two bodies were all tangled up in each other, one Z even had the arm of the other one in its mouth its teeth sinking into its rotting flesh. Zombies were eating zombies now? She wondered as she stood up and made to continue on her way but her foot rolled a bit under her and she stopped to see what she had stepped on. She picked up two shiny thin and long bullet shells, they looked just like the kind 10K used in his rifle. But 10K was gone, she thought as her mind tried to find the next logical explanation. Murphy must have given one of his guards 10K's rifle to use, she decided as her fingers clenched around the shells, her hand becoming a fist. That rifle was one of 10K's most prized possessions and now Murphy was letting some blend bastard use it. She tucked the shells into her pocket as she carried on as she remembered how often 10K had cleaned that gun, how he'd never let it out of his sight if he could help it.

It had been not long after Lucy was born, their car had broken down and they were once again forced to travel on foot. 10K had gone to scope out the terrain hoping to add a few kills to his count and he'd come back with a boy probably around ten years old. The kid had crashed into him in a field and 10K dragged him back to the group holding him by his jacket.

"Guys, look what I found." 10K said before Warren held up a hand telling him to be quiet.

"Shhh. Puppies and Kittens." She said as 10K put his hand over the kid's mouth to keep him quiet. They all grabbed their weapons and readied for the pack of Z's that was charging their way. 10K let the kid go and he ran for cover crouching by the nearest tree. Bailey had to give the kid credit, he was smart enough to not go running off and drawing the attention of the zombies.

Bailey drew her hatchet and made her way to the closest Z's strutting across the field with Addy as she readied her Z Whacker. Murphy stood off to the side with Lucy while he let Cassandra fight his battles for him and Warren slashed her way through zombie skulls with her machete. Doc spun a couple of hammers in his hands before bashing some skulls of his own. As always their well-oiled machine team took care of the pack pretty easily and in no time at all they were cleaning the blood off their weapons and getting back to business.

"Where'd this come from?" Murphy asked looking at the kid and Cassandra stalked toward him in case he was a threat.

"Hey get away from him. I found him." 10K said stepping forward and making Cassandra pause.

"Was anybody with him?" Addy asked.

"He said something about a doctor." 10K replied.

"Man gonna kill him." the boy said.

"What?" Addy asked before looking to Bailey both of them sharing a confused look.

"He's gonna kill them!" the kid shouted tugging at 10K's sleeveless vest before turning to the rest of them, "You kill Man."

"Oh, no, no, no. We no kill Man. We on mission." Murphy replied putting Lucy in her makeshift carrier that was actually a cooler. "Scram kid."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now