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Ella Choi's POV

I woke up to Kim Taehyung crying on the chair. I put my hand on his shoulder. It was good to see him but not in this state, "Tae?" I said adjusting my eyes to see his face soaked in tears.

He grabbed me into a hug and mumbled into my neck. "I'm so sorry, Ella. I won't let that happen to you again..Ever". I knew it wasn't his fault, "It's okay, Tae. I am okay" I tried reassuring him. "Ouch! You're hugging me too tight, my body kinda hurts" I whispered into his ear.

He lifted up his head trying to be gentle. He kissed me and I kissed him back with all the energy I had left. "I love you Ella!" he said and it shook me, what came out of my mouth next shook me even more, "I love you more"

I climbed out of bed and stood up to give him a hug. "I missed you so much today!" I smiled at him, at that very moment I felt happy and the terrible day I had been having was non-existent. "You have no idea!" I said to him laughing.

The doctor came and smiled. We turned to smile back at him. "Ella, you're discharged. You may go home" I nodded at his words, "Thank you doctor, for everything" I say to him in appreciation. Taehyung got up and headed for the door after the doctor left, "I'll wait in the car for you!"

He left and I got dressed while Taehyung waited for me in the car. I stopped for coffee and went off to Taehyung. "I got us coffee!" I said handing him the hot foam cup. "Aww thanks! this is why I love you so much!". I looked at him with a raised brow, "Cause I get you coffee?" hoping he fell for my silly tease.

He did, he stuttered almost dropping his coffee, "No, because you're so caring. Amongst other things..I won't tell you". His words intrigued me, "Now I want to know!". He didn't budge though, he insisted on keeping it a secret, "It doesn't work like that, Ella".

I gave up, "I don't care! Don't tell me" I said sulking. "I can't tell secrets and drive, it's against the law you know" he said teasing me.
I smiled at him before biting my lip, "Make an exception, imma special case?". He looked over at me with one hand pointed at me and the other on the wheel, "Don't tempt me like that. You're so cruel!"

We arrive at the hotel and Taehyung carried my school books. He helped me walk because I was limping. "What's wrong with your leg?" he said letting go of me in the elevator. "I don't know it's really hurts" I said hoping he wouldn't ask too much about it. The incident popped into my head and I remembered how I'd hurt it, "Probably happened when they were kicking me" I mumbled.

I didn't mumble soft enough because Taehyung heard me, "They did what?". I didn't know how to respond, "It's nothing, Tae I don't wanna talk about this right know. Please" I practically pleaded with him. "Fine, But I want to know exactly what happened. When you're ready" he said sighing.

I smiled at him trying to ease the situation, "I will tell you I promise"

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