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I wrote pretty good. I was actually really impressed with how much I knew in the paper considering the fact that I didn't study last night.

Bell Rings..

"Let's go, Taehyung should be there already" Yoongi signaled for me. "Yeah" I said following him out of the classroom.

We walked down the hallway talking all about the paper. We were heading for the cafeteria when someone nudged against me making me trip and fell onto Yoongi. He fell against the locker and caught me. I looked up at him and he stared back at me.

Taehyung came around from the corner laughing until he saw me up against Yoongi. His smile faded and he stared at us for a second before turning back around and walking away.

I stood up straight and helped Yoongi before running after him. I ran to the corner to see him gone. What just happened? It wasn't what it looked like!

"You okay..Ugh I knew Yuna would try something like this" Yoongi said coming after me as I stood in the middle of the hallway looking for Taehyung.

"I ju-just need to--" I said walking away from him. I left to the toilet and sat in one of the cubicles. I sat there and sobbed. Maybe I should really just leave. Yuna is making my life a living hell, beating me up first and now trying to split me and Taehyung up.

I spent break there trying to think of what to tell Taehyung. I knew he wouldn't believe me. Maybe Yoongi spoke to him. Then I heard a lot of noise coming from the hallway. I ran out of the girls' bathroom to see what was going on.

I pushed through the crowd to see Taehyung on top of Yoongi. Giving off continuous punches and Yoongi just lying there blocking his hits.

"How could do that to me" Taehyung was so angry, I'd never seen him this way.

Yoongi pushed Taehyung to the ground. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against the lockers.

"I already told you, it wasn't me. It was Yuna. Can't you see what she is doing?" he said defending himself.

I ran up to the two of them and tried to break up the fight. Taehyung wouldn't budge he didn't believe Yoongi.

"Stop Fighting" I said trying to split the two of them up.

Kim Taehyung and kept on pushing, trying to throw punches at Yoongi. The crowd of people kept cheering on the heated fight.

"You're lying, Yuna was with me right before I caught you two together" he said throwing his hands in the air.

I turned me head looking around for Junie. I caught a glimpse of Yuna in between the crowd smirking at me. I turned around and got punched in my face by Taehyung. He stared at me in shock and the crowd stopped cheering and scattered.

I fell to the ground in pain. I grabbed my nose as the blood seeped right through the open spaces of my fingers dripping onto my white shirt. Kim Taehyung came to my aid and Yoongi stood there worriedly.

"Ella I'm so--" he said dropping to his knees to help me. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I shouted at him backing away from him.

I got up and wiped the blood dripping down from my nose. He stood there taken aback by what he had just done.

"NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US. YUNA HAD SOMEONE PUSH ME AGAINST HIM" I shouted once more trying to get through to him.

He took a step closer and I broke down in tears. He touched my arm and I flinched. "Taehyung don't touch me. We're done" I spoke softer this time, my energy drained.

I ran out of the hallway leaving him and Yoongi standing there. I never turned back to see his face but I could feel what he was feeling worse. Me thinking that I'd actually make it out happy in this relationship was a joke.

People like Yuna are what happen to people like me. People who aren't meant to be loved. Lots of thoughts ran through my mind. I felt like the life inside me was being sucked out and I couldn't stop it. And it wasn't just because I lost Taehyung.. it started long before that.

To Be Continued...

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