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Kim Taehyung's POV

My day was as boring as always. I went to school and returned. Greeted the staff in the lobby of the hotel and headed for my room. I got into the elevator with the same two girls that giggle and stare at me everyday.

I was listening to music, like I always do when a girl looked at me. I looked back at her and stared at her for a few seconds. I had never seen her before and she was beautiful. I felt that she was uncomfortable with my continuous stare so I looked down. The two girls soon got out and I leaned towards the panel of buttons to press the '6th floor' button, but I felt something else instead.

I looked up to see my hand on top of the mystery girls', I was slightly shocked and a bit embarrassed. I said 'Sorry' but she became all red once she heard me speak...Did I scare her somehow?

I looked up at her again, and removed my headphones. I let out my hand to introduce myself..

"Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung, you are?"

She seemed to stiffen everytime I spoke. She looked at my hand then my face, she was a light pink colour but said nothing.

The elevator door opened and she hurried out. I slowly walked behind her but she seemed to speed walk to her room. She seemed either flustered or anxious.

I yelled, "Hey, what's your- " but she cut me off with a slam of her door. I finished my question in silence "-name?". As I walked towards my room I realised that her room was right next to mine.

'She fascinates me, who is she?!'

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