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I woke up in a hospital bed, again. I really have bad experiences with hospitals. I couldn't remember how I had gotten here though. I looked down at my body full of bandages and band-aids, then I got a flashback. And one name came to mind : Jae Yuna

The name gave me chills down my spine. I remembered every kick and punch as well as the pain that came with it. I snapped out of it when I heard the door open. A girl entered in school uniform. She looked pretty , her hair brown with blue tips. She came and sat down next to my bed. She smiled at me, "She's awake, finally"

She looked like the emo type, very dark eyeliner and always chewing gum but more cheery, "You okay, you remember me?" she asked. "Uhm yeah I think. you're Lee Junie I think" I smiled back at her. "Yip that's me! How do you feel?" she said placing a bottle of water down on the table nearby.

I raised a brow, "Well to be completely honest, battered and bruised. My body is really paining and I miss Taehyung". I was pretty taken aback by the last three words that came out of my mouth. "Well you should know that Yuna will never hurt you again. She makes everyone a pushover at that school I am not one of them" she said reassuring me.

I sighed, "I don't want a feud between anyone. I didn't even want to move here. but if she does try to mess with me again, I will fight back. I'm not the puny, defenseless girl she said I am" I finally muster up some strength.

She claps her and hands, "Ahhh I love you already!! We should stick together" she exclaimed. I smiled at her, "Sure you seem pretty awesome". She lifted a finger and asked, "Quick Question, how the heck did you land Kim Flipping Taehyung?". Her eyes were glued to me waiting for my response, "I don't know actually, he liked me first. then we spent some time together and now we're us. Now that I think about it he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet".

She nodded seeming to take in everything I'd said, "I've known him for years and his never walked through the hallway holding a girl's hand. He seems serious about you". She looked like she was being genuine, "You should get some rest and I'll get Taehyung to fetch you later. K?"

She picked up her bag and walked towards the door, "Hey junie" I called, "Yeah?" she looked at me. "Thank you, like actually thank you" I opened my arms and she came in to hug me,"Aww no prob new bestie"

Taehyung is going to be upset when he hears that Yuna did this to me. Should I tell him or should I just make up a story??!

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