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I glimpsed over from my locker to see him. Kim Taehyung. He attended this school, OMG!!! Then I remember him having a uniform on yesterday in the elevator.

Luckily he didn't see me he was too busy talking to his friend. He walked off, he seems pretty popular if you count the girls drooling over him as he exited the building.

The bell rung.

I make my way to class checking the page in my hand see that I'm the first in class. I make my way to a desk, one right in front of the board. I love sitting in front of the class, that way there are less distractions to bother me.

The other students started filling the classroom slowly. Then the teacher indicated for me to stand up and come to the front of the class. I had to introduce myself to the class. I felt oddly confident...then the nerves hit me, Hard!!

I think of what to say and all I got out was, "Hi, I am Ella Choi. I'm originally from Daegu uhm yeah...thank you."

I sit down in relief and feel the nerves start to subside. Luckily I sat close to a window so the breeze helped alot. The day progressed slowly after that. It was break so I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

I got myself a cup of noodles and a juice. I made my way to the library. On my way I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Kim Taehyung at the back of me. He pulled me into a dark room looked like a rarely used classroom. He smiled and came closer. My eyes widened.

Brow lifted he said, "So your name is Ella Choi hey!?". I backed up and answered with a "Erhh ..yeah" nodding it off.

He smiles lighlty and speaks again, "Well welcome, you should remember me from the elevator. I hope!" he scratches the back of his head. I feel kinda bad for being impolite and say, "I do, I'm sorry about the incident yesterday though."

I felt my heart race, when he walked up closer to me. He basically had me up against the wall. Our faces too close for my comfort. He stared into my soul and I felt like melting butter.

His eyes were staring into mine "No problem, why are you so mysterious I can't seem to figure you out. Why?". I slide down and move to the side getting away from him, "I-I  have to study. Erhh so could you not be so close up against me and let me eat my lunch."

He giggles and backs up but not enough, "Well I'll see you around, Ella" he walks towards the door. "Uhm okay. Bye for now then" I give him a tiny wave. "I'll figure you out someday!!" he nods at my wave and closes the door behind him.

Room 17 || kth ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora