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Kim Taehyung's POV

She left in such rush, I wanted to spend more time with her. But I guess that's just who she is. I wanna know more about her though, like where she's from, her fave colour, fave food...

I decided if she was too shy to speak to me I would have to find a way for her to adjust to me. I wrote a letter to her asking if she would meet me at a restaurant, not a date just a meet-up no strings attached.

I liked her but because I didn't know her that well I wanted to start off as friends before I explored other options. I knew we'd end up in an awkward-embarrasing situation if I spoke to her in person so I resorted to a letter. I stayed up all night thinking about what to write. I didn't want to sound desperate so I did a couple of rewrites.

I finally finished it and slipped it under her door. I practically passed out after that and woke up to get my brother ready, he must miss me and my mom alot. it's probably why he took a bus all the way here and got lost.

I felt bad for leaving him at home and moving out but I didn't have another option. My relationship with my dad is rocky. "I promise I'll visit more often" I reassure him as I help him out on his backpack. We walk towards the elevator and I look at her door wondering if she'd gotten the letter yet.

Ella Choi's POV

I woke up, had a shower and did the usual. I spotted a piece of paper lying on the floor near my door. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Ella Choi.
So I know we don't know each other well. But I want to get to know you even become friends. Would you meet me after school at the nearby cafe, I'll make it worth your while.

If you don't come I would totally understand as well.

Love, Kim Taehyung

He literally wrote me a note. I felt truly special and he made my day. I went to school and ignored everyone that would normally irritate me. The day dragged now that I had finally had plans.

The bell finally rang and I felt like bursting through the doors. I got home and hadn't thought about what to wear when I went to the cafe. I stared at my wardrobe unsure of my clothing choices.

I picked out a simple outfit after rampaging a few times. I wore a black hoody crop top with a ripped jean and my Vans. I figured since we're friends he should take me as I am. I let my hair be and made my way to the cafe.

Once there I saw him sitting in the corner table next to a window. I made my way to him and greeted him.

"Hey, i made it." he spoke smiling at me. "I kinda thought you'd just dodge me again or run away" I said feeling bad for getting the wrong impression of him. I sat down in the seat opposite his.

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