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Kim Taehyung's POV

That moment felt a bit tense so I felt it would be suitable if I just offered to do something fun for the day. It was Sunday after all and it was back to school the next day...

I broke the silence, "Hey, let's do something today, like let's go to the carnival?". She looked up from her bowl of cereal, "Carnival! sure". I smiled "Yeah there's one that only opens once a year, I normally go with my brother but I'll change it up for you?" I offered.

She furrowed her brows, "No no I don't want to spoil a tradition between you and your brother!". I looked up and laughed, "You won't be, he barely goes on any rides. He just wants to stuff his face with candy floss and ice cream". She laughed at, my words. "Okay. Okay but what do I wear?" I ask him.

He shrugs at my question, "Urh clothes?" he says with wandering eyes. "Yeahhh totally!!" I say sarcastically. "Sorry!! Okay, Okay how bout' a dress and boots?" he suggests. I look at him wide eyed "Duuude that's perfect!". He looks at me feeling rather accomplished "Hehe, I should decide what I'm going to wear too".

I get up from my seat at the kitchen table and say, "Yeah so see you in 1 hour?". She nods spooning the last bit of cereal into her mouth, "hmm sure". She stood up to close the door behind me when I turned around and puled her into a hug instead.

Left in shock she doesn't respond to the hug immediately, "Am I actually hugging her right now?" I mentally curse at myself for not being able to control myself around her.

Taehyung looks down at the form hugging him and pulls away, "I-I'm so sorry.. urh let's leave the plans. Uhm I'll see you later". Taehyung walks off towards the door in a hurry. "Taehyung!" I hear her call. I turn and stare at Ella in embarrassment, she runs up to me and hugs me back. She pushed herself up on her toes and whispers into my ear, "I love hugs"

"I thought - " I start, "Shh! Don't overthink things, just do it!" She lets go of him and my face lights up into a boxy smile.


He leaves to his door and she heads to hers when she enters her room, she falls back onto her bed in glee. She picks out her favorite dress, just for Taehyung even though she doesn't have many. She felt like looking a little pretty today. "Today will be awesome!!" She said to her reflection in the mirror, the black dress inches from her suited her curvy body just right. She pulled out her black boots and slipped them on before tidying up the look by leaving her head down.

Meanwhile Taehyung was struggling to pick the right top to wear, he had three options. Well more like three colors to choose from, there was black, white and grey. He sighed and picked the black top from his closet and walked towards the mirror pulling it over his head. he pushed his fingers through his hair to tidy it up and put on some cologne.

On his way out he looked at the mirror on last time giving himself a smile. They left their rooms at the same time and looked at each other up and down without a word, both equally nervous. "Y-you look good in black" Ella spoke trying to seem less nervous. He smiled shyly, "You too. Shall we go?". She nodded and they walked into the elevator together.

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