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I sat in the library to try and clear my mind. I was so worried about Ella. I had lost my appetite and I felt pure anger in every part of my body. Ella had said she didn't feel sure about doing the whole going public at school thing, but I had pressured her into it. I felt guilty for not being able to have helped her when she needed me most.

A voice interrupted my train of thought, "Hi sexy!".I looked over at Yuna with her sly smile. She sat on the table and spread her legs, laying her legs on my sides. I gave her a glare.

I was beyond disgusted by her at this point, I'd lost respect,"You actually have the guts to come and speak to me after what you did to my girlfriend?". She didn't take me serious because she actually proceeded to then wink at me, "She's just some girl, I know you secretly want me".

I scoffed trying not gag instead, "You disgust me! I would never stoop as low as you. And my girlfriend isn't just some girl, she has way more morals than you'll ever have"

She took hold of my shirt collar and pulled me closer to her. "You smell so good!! Do you know that?" I wasn't sure if she was deaf or stupid, I pulled her hands off my shirt and got up."You're sick, leave me and Ella alone. OR ELSE"

She had the audacity to continue speaking,"You're so hot when you're angry, you know. I like warnings, especially if they come from you". I had enough of her, "It's not a warning, it's a threat. Now if you'll excuse me I've got better things to do than sit around listening to a bitch bicker!"

I walked off and glanced back to see Yuna throwing a little tantrum. She was seriously spoilt and quite sick. Before I was able to handle the flirts and touches but now I hate her and want nothing to do with her. I never took it seriously, I thought it was just a silly childish crush.

The bell rang and I went to class to write. The rest of the day dragged, I sat there not being able to concentrate. I went totally blank and couldn't recall anything I studied for.

Then I thought of Ella. The thought of her calmed me down and I finished the paper with a little less stress. The final bell rang and I ran out of the school. I ran passed my friends and Yuna.

Namjoon almost grabbed my collar of my shirt as I ran past, "Yahh where you going?" I looked back and yelled, "Ella, at the hospital!". I was both excited and nervous to see her. I wasn't looking forward to seeing her wounded but I needed to see her.

When I got there she was asleep. I walked closer to her bed staring at her bruised face. I burst out crying. I had caused this, she didn't deserve any of this. The guilt hurt me different seeing her in person,"I'm sorry, Ella".

To be Continued..

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