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"I like being treated, I wouldn't say no to such an opportunity" I say a little more confidently this time. "Lets talk while we eat. Foods on the way, I just ordered a burger and chips. I don't know if-" he spoke trying not to come on too strong.

"all good. that's my fave" I give him a smile. "Oh okay cool" he says giving me a boxy smile. It's adorable, his smile.

We spent the rest of the day at the restaurant giggling and joking around. I thought it would've been alot more tense but it wasn't at all. He was super comforting and super hilarious too. We left about six-ish to pick his brother up and went for ice cream.

On our walk home, we took his brother home and we started having a chat. "I kinda expected awkward silence, you know!" he broke the silence. "What do you mean?" I asked him as I looked up him. He was taller than I was.

"I mean, I thought today would go down like all other days I've been with or around you." he says looking back at me and then laughs.

I laughed, "Psshh I don't make people that tense you know. It's just you" I say trying to make things less awkward."Really?" he say laughing at my response. "YIP!" I say in confidence

"Well thats reassuring." he says pushing his hair out his face. Oh Gawd! "Why do you though?" he says looking at me again. I look away realizing I was staring. I clear my throat, "Why do I what?". "Freeze up and run away" he looks away sensing the vibe.

I push my hair behind my ear getting ready to answer him. I'm not sure why but that question had never been asked before. I got all tense and froze up just like he said. I felt myself fall and all I remember was my head hitting the ground. I heard my name but I couldn't make out whose voice it was.

I woke up in my bed, the silence killed. And so did my headache, and hard. I lifted myself up to sit up straight and looked around. It was so quiet, my breathing made a noise. Then I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen.

I was frightened, "Hello?" I spoke and pulled my knees closer to my chest. "It's just me, you know Taehyung" he peaked his head throw the door.

I gasped and my eyes wandered around to see if I looked any good. And just as I expected I looked dreadful but it was too late. He had already been standing in front of my bed before I could do anything. "You okay, the doctor said you'd be out a couple of days. I didn't think you'd sleep a week though.

"A week..wait, hold up what happened?" I practically yelled. I didn't remember feeling unwell at all. "Well you fainted and I carried you to the hospital. The doctor said you are anaemic so you have seriously low blood. The doctor also said you would need some time to rest because your body wasn't getting enough. You were discharged yesterday." he spoke looking pretty worried.

"What's today's date?" I ask him not really taking in what he just said. "Friday, the 20th." I gasp, "Oh-My-Gawwd!" He looked at me a bit confused , "Okay no need to panic though. You didn't miss anything cause I got all your schoolwork." he speaks pointing at the pages on the bedside table.

"Uhm thanks. Can I get some water please." I spoke, throat dry. "Sure, I'll get you a glass." he nods leaving the room.

Then it hits me, "Wait, have you been taking care of me since I got discharged?" I enquire from my bed. "Yeah, not to worry I wasn't tired anyway. I was more worried..I dropped by with my baby brother too, he left you a get well card at the hospital, he insisted we visit everyday too" he spoke through cute chuckles.

I smiled at their kind gesture, "Aww thanks, but have you slept?" I ask worriedly. "I wasn't tired. I wanted to make sure that if you woke up and needed something, I'd be there to get it for you since I didn't know of anyone else I could call."

I felt bad for making him worry and having him take care of me, "Thank you, I think you should get some rest. The bags under your eyes say otherwise". He ruffled the back of his hair, "I'm okay..really. You hungry?" he suddenly asked.

I was but I knew he was lying when he said he wasn't tired, "Nope, but I would appreciate it if you slept a bit". "Fine, but stay in bed. It's the doctor's orders" he says leaving my room.

"Yes Doctor Kim" I say watching him walk off. "Hey, I'm serious Ella. Just call me if you need anything, okay" his voice a little stern. I sigh "Okay, wait do I have your-" I hear the front door close. "Okay I'll see you later then." I say to myself.

He left and there I was in bed, in utter silence. I found myself thinking about how cute he was when he was serious. Or how he ate his food in pout. I remembered the day I fainted. And then I realized...

Room 17 || kth ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt