Chapter 160: Like a real hero

Start from the beginning

"I'm actually from America. I moved to Japan when I was five, which I currently live in Musutafu." I replied.

He looked to me with surprise, "Really? That's so cool! Why did you move there?"

I debated with different lies that I could tell, so I settled with, "Family issues."

He nodded his head, "Alright." before asking in an excited tone, "Were you able to work alongside All Might before he retired?"

"He was one of the first people that I worked with, actually. He honestly taught me all there is to know about being a hero."

"That's so cool!"

I then asked, "Have you seen him in person?"

"I have actually, I even got his autograph. I was little though..." he paused and looked like he was deep in thought, "...when I got his autograph, I remember that this little girl was working with him that day who was hiding behind him..." he then looked to me, "Was that you back then?"

"I think so since I don't remember him having a kid tagging along with him."

"Whoa..." he said in an 'interested to hear more' tone. "When was the first time that you met him?"

I looked up as I thought about it before answering, "I don't remember how old I was, though I know I was younger than eight for sure, but I remember that I took care of the criminal that he was after before he arrived."

"The more I learn about you, the cooler you are! I wish we got to be friends when we were younger!" he said happily.

'Yeah...when we were...younger...'

"What do your parents do? I mean, one of them has probably had some connection here so you could start working here." I said.

"Actually, my parents do office work back on the mainland of Japan; I paved my own path for this line of work." he then looked down at me, "How about you? You must have had some sort of help with gaining such titles of a hero, especially from your parents."

I shook my head, "All Might helped me, and with the help of the number one hero at the time, no one could say no to him. I guess that they figured that if he says that someone like me has potential, it must be something alright."

"Alright!? You are way better than that! You can save everyone while a rare few can do that too!" he said while my face turned red.

We kept on asking each other questions so we could get to know one another better until we got to the lab that David worked at. When we entered, Dave was at his computer like last time, which he then turned around as we walked in. "Hello again, Blank." Dave said.

I replied with a friendly smile, "Hello."

"We're quite excited to show you what we've come up with. We worked hard on it and we think that you'll take a liking to it." Dave said as he stood up and went to pick up a box before handing it to me, "The first layer is in here, so put that on first before we show you the last layer."

I took the box, "Alright..."

"You can change in the room back there, there's a restroom." he said as he pointed, which I then nodded my head as I went into the room he was pointing to.

When I got into the bathroom, I picked the lid off of the box. I took out the first thing, which was a black piece of clothing. I draped it over the box so I could remove my hoodie. I picked up what I had in hand earlier, and noticed that there was a black T-shirt in the box too, so I put that on in the place of my undershirt. I then put on the black piece of clothing before putting on the pants. I turned around to face the mirror and saw that the first layer was a black punk V split dress style with a hood and slightly baggy sleeves. It's length went down to about mid calf and was cut in the middle of the back part of the bottom of the dress. The pants looked like dark red ripped jeans, but they didn't feel like it. I put up the hood and saw that it was so baggy that it laid on my shoulders and looked like it covered my eyes, though I was able to see just fine. I looked in the box one more time to see if I forgot anything, and picked out a new mask. I removed my old one and put on the new one. This one covered more of my face by going down my cheeks a little more and got closer to my eyes, so you could see less of my skin around my eyes. After inspecting it enough, I put on my old boots and went out as I carried my old costume and the box the new one came in.

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