She thought a moment before answering. "To me? No. Because I was born here on Earth. To the bots? No, because they befriended us. Beside, you guys give them a safe place to stay."

 Russell added, "And help them stay hidden. That's enough, isn't it?"

"It's more than enough," Nova smiled, resting a hand on Denny's shoulders. "I couldn't thank you enough for your care you provide for Bee's team. I appreciate it, more than you could ever know,"

"Football?" Russell asked her with a smile.

Nova grinned at the boy, holding her hands up.

"Nova," Bee called just as Russell threw the ball. Nova caught it, turning to meet the bot in the same motion. "We're going after a decepticon. Wanna come?"

Nova stared at Russell before turning to Bee, "Nah, I'll stay here and watch over the scrapyard for now. Just comm if you guys need me."

Bee nodded as he left the scrapyard.

Russell smiled, holding his hands above his head. "I'm open, I'm open!"

Nova rolled her eyes, tossing the ball in a semi-perfect spiral. Russell started laughing, the ball he was clutching to his chest toppling out.

Moments Later

"Nova!" Denny cried, waving his arms above Russell's head. "I'm open, here!"

She threw a spiral, missing Denny's head by a lot. It soared through the air, the three of them running after it, headed straight into the command center. Fixit reached a servo out, catching the ball just before it hit him in the helm.

"Woah," Denny smiled. "Great hands,"

The minicon passed the ball back to them, opening a different screen. "Strange," he mumbled. Nova moved forward, standing behind him to look over his shoulder. "The decepticon is traveling away at a rapid pace. Bumblebee, status please," he called through the comm, getting static in return. She raised her eyes, watching him carefully. He pulled up another screen focusing entirely on it. "The comm systems, they've been jammed."

"Who could've ---" 

"This is impolite!" he interrupted. "Imposter - Impossible! The gate is open and the perimeter security is offline!"

Nova headed down the walkway, the others following behind her. "We'd better check this out," Denny muttered, jogging beside her.

"Well, well," an easy voice called. Nova skidded in the dirt, looking up at the con before her. "A welcoming committee, how very kind,"

Steeljaw, Underbite, Thunderhoof, and Clampdown moved about before them. Thunderhoof reached down, grabbing Nova and Russell in his claws, Clampdown doing the same with Denny.

"Release me this instant," Nova growled lowly.

"Fracture," Steeljaw almost cooed. "Perhaps one of your little friends could relieve the minicon of his duties for a little while?"

The purple, evil conniving little bot released a part of his shoulder, it transforming and setting up shop where Fixit usually stood.

"I beg your pardon," Fixit growled.

"Not to worry," Steeljaw sneered. "Just upgrading your security system,"

"With the limited materials here on earth? Ha! Look, there is nothing you could possibly do to upgrade --"

"Oh, but you're wrong. Or, are you not aware of my previous crimes? Bring up my dossier, Airazor, this should be fun,"

"Oh, I am well aware of your reputation," Fixit countered. "Jailed for instigating rebellion, Knowledge of subsonics, but --"

Transformers RID; New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now