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KTH Pov.

I was on lobby when jungkook call me, but i didnt expect what i heard.  drop my phone when i heard a loud Gunshot on the line. I feel my world got collaps. "J-Jungkook" i whisper while crying. I run in the elevator and trying to push botton to open. I dont know what to do "SHit!!! You FUCKER OPENED IT?!!" i slam my hand on it and run to the back stairs.

"please dont leave me" i cry while running. I dont care even my knees hurts a lot. "Tae!" i heard someone called me from the back, but i never look back. I need to see jungkook!

When i reach the door. I feel like my whole body is on winter time. It feels cold. My hands are shaking terribly. I grab the knob and get inside. When i first step in, i already saw my husband. Sitting on the floor. Looking outside the window. He is holding a gun. I feel relief that he is safe. There is a broken vase scattered on the floor.  He is crying silently. I cried walking towards him.

"K-kookie" i stutter. He look up with a sad eyes. "T-tae, w-what are you doing here?" i kneel down in front of him, caressed his face. "I-i thought i-i lose you" i cried in his shoulder. "Shhh.. I wont leave  you." he hug me back and kiss my forehead. "Im sorry for everything tae. I know its all my fault for being a bastard and not a good husband to you." he said. I look at him and kiss his lips. "I forgive you already. I know its not your fault. I know that you are being framed from the start. I know jimin did this." i said smiling. He look at me "How did you-" "i heard it all. I put some recording device here inside your room. And i heard what he confess earlier. " he teared up and i smile "I love you" he kiss me.

But in our surprise the door open widely. "TAE!" i look back and saw jimin walking towards me. i sternly look at him. "DONT COME NEAR ME!" i yelled. He look at me in shock. "W-what ar-" "I know what you did jimin" i cut him off. "W-what do you-" "I KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE REASON OF ALL OF THIS!?!" i shouted.

"T-tae-" i grab the gun and pointed it on him "Step back" i said. "Tae calm down" jungkook holding said. "He make us apart jungkook! I trusted you jimin! Why did you do this?! This is not love! This is obsession!!" I cried while still pointing the gun on him.

"Put down the gun Tae!" he yelled. "No." i said. Jungkook get up but i didnt kmow that jimin already attack him "YOU BASTARD! YOU ARE THE REASONNN!!!" he was push on the floor and got kick on the stomach. "Jungkook!!"I yelled i forgot to hold the gun firmly. I let go of it and run towards him.  "JUNGKOOK!" i hug his body and look at jimin.

"STOP PLEASE!" i said. He smirk and grab my face "You whore! Now you choose him?! He cheated on you!!" He slap me. I whined in pain. "no.  It was you who framed him. Even though he cheated, but he ask for forgiveness. But you?" i look at him and chuckled.
"You will never ask for it!! You are the son of sata-" "Shot up!!!" He punch me across the face and i hit my head on the wooden table. "T-tae!" jungkook grab my hand. "Kook lets go" i said.

He just smiled at me "T-tae.. Im sorry for being a coward, i love you." he grab the gun and pointed it in the side of his head and.......


I feel like my whole world stop of what i witness. My love, my husband just kill himself in front of me. "N-no! J-jungkook No!!!!" i run to towards him and grab his body. "B-babyy please get up!!! Dont leave me!! You liar!!" i punch in his chest. "You said you will never leave me! Why??!" i cried so much. "k-kookie please!!" i look up at jimin. The door opened and  the guards are running towards us. They grab jimins arm. "T-tae" he called me, but i never look at him.

I look at jungkook and grab the gun on his hand. "Like what we promised before." i remember that time..


"Kookie!" i he look at me and Smile. He hug me and kiss me around my face "Hey baby!" "yeah! Stop that it tickles!" he stop and hold my hands. "Kook?" he look at me "hmm?" "you think we will find each other in the after life?" i ask. "Yes. Because i will search for you." i smile "Really?" he nodded. "Oh i forgot. This" i put a red thread in his pinky finger and connect it, to mine.

"This red thread symbolises love and connection. You know they said that even death cannot break apart the two person who has it." i said. He kiss my forehead and hold my hand. "I love you to death" he whisper. "love you too" i kiss his nose.

End of flashback....

"I love you to death Jungkook."I pointed it on my head and everything went black.

(20 Years Later)

3rd pov.

Its been so long since that incident happened. Jimin was being put into jail for 20 years and he passed away in the age of 65 years old last year.

The news got hotter since last 20 years. But the story is being untold until now. The two lovers who believe in love til death. The thread that gives them hope that they find each other in the 2nd life.

"Their love story is not ended yet. They will search for their Thread"

To be continue....... SEASON 2

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