My Unloving husband 3

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JJK Pov.

Its been 5 days since our last encounter. I was really proud of myself. At last i made him blush again. I grab my phone and call jimin hyung


"jungkook? Why did you call?"

"im asking if tae in his office?"

"oh.. About that.. Tae leave the seoul last night"

What? Tae leave why?" i mumble. I felt my heart beat in a fast pace.

"where did he go hyung? And why did he leave?"

"oh.. He's coming to daegu. He will visit his family there."

"is he alone?"

"ani.. He is with his secretary. Park bogum."

I felt my blood boil. That park bogum? That guy is not good with tae. I sigh.

"okay.  Thank you hyung."

I hung up the call. I walk to my table and grab the caller ID of taehyung.
But an idea pop up in my head. What if, i'll go to daegu? And check some business there?  At least he'll think that its coincidence right? "Your smart jungkook" i mumble to myself. Smirking.

KTH Pov.

We departed awhile ago here in daegu. Me and bogum hyung decided to just stay at the nearby hotel.

"tae? Here is the key to your room" i grab it. "thanks hyung. I'll call father to inform him in our arrival." i said. And enter my room.

I unpack my things and grab my phone to call appa. "appa! We arrived. Yes, i have my secretary with me. Okay dont worry. I'll visit the house tomorrow. Okay. Bye." i ended the call and headed to the bathroom.

Few moments later...

I grab my laptop to continue my work that i left yesterday. While i was checking some papers i felt my phone vibrate. "someone emailed me. Let me see" i mumble. "Jeon jungkook" i read the sender name.

"Good day mr. Kim! I would like to inform you that we'll having a meeting tomorrow morning? Are you free?" -JK

i raise my eyebrows. What meeting? And im in daegu..

"sorry but i cant. Im in daegu right now to process some work. Ill be out of the town for a week or so." -KTH

"really?! Im here at daegu also for business. What a coincidence mr. Kim?" -JK

What the FUCK!?! How come he is in daegu also?! That fucking preak!

"sorry but, im busy tomorrow. I have a plan with bogum hyung. Maybe next time." -KTH

"is that so? Then maybe next time then" -JK

I put down my phone and sigh deeply. I heard a knock in my door. "Come in" i said not looking who is it.

"Ohh.. So you stay here?" i was stock in my place when i heard that voice. I look up slowly and saw "Jungkook?!" i yelled. He smirk at me and come in my way.

"yes the one and only" he said. "what the fuck are you doing here preak?!" i yelled glaring at him.

"Oh.. I didnt inform you? This is my hotel." he said looking at me. What? This is his hotel? I shrug off.

"so what if this is your hotel? We pay for this. So i have the authority to kick you out jeon" i said in a low voice. "well, you cant kick out your husband"  i felt my blood boil. I grab my laptop and slammed it in the floor "FOR FUCKINGS SAKE! LEAVE ME ALONE! WERE NOT HUSBAND JEON! YOUR JUST MY ACQUAINTANCES! NOTHING MORE!!" i scream like my throat was been rip off. "IM STILL YOUR HUSBAND TAEHYUNG! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! WHY ARE YOU SO HARD HEADED TO UNDERSTAND THAT!?!" he yelled back.

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