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JJK pov.

Its been a months since i last saw Taehyung. I am now playing some mobile games, while waiting to Jimin hyung. Last night, he called me and tell me that yeri is back. I dont know what should i feel. Should i be mad?  Happy? Sad? I dont know.

I still remember what happened before. When Tae left me, me and yeri also ended what we have. I did realize that Taehyung's presence is more important. My happiness with  a girl is just for a short time, but my happiness with him is for the life time.

Yes. I regret everything. I regret what i did to my husband. I have to much chances before, but i never attempt to grab those chances. Im such a coward, cheater and useless freak.

"KNOCK3x!" I was back in my senses when someone knock on my door. "wait a minute!" i walk into it "Hi Jim-" "Hey" i cant believe who is in front of me.

"Y-yeri" i stutter.

What she is doing here? "W-what are you doing here?" i ask. She smile and pointed her luggage.  "may I come in first? I just arrive here" i nodded and make a way for her. She roam around the house and look at me. "Wow, you change a lot. The house is still the same as before." she said. "Y-yeah, there a lot of memories here. So i need to keep it" i said. She nodded and sat.on the couch "so? What are you doing here?" i ask. "Well, jimin told me that, i can stay here for awhile. My condo is still under construction." she said. "No. You cant stay here yeri" i stand up and  turn off the television. "Why jungkook?" she ask. "You cant. And i want to change myself. I want to correct all my wrong doings. And i cant do it if your living in the same roof as mine" i said seriously. "But we've broke up years ago! No meaning at all if i stay here." she argue. "Thats my point! We broke up after my incident with tae! So there is no reason for you to stay here! I know i fucked up! And im trying to fix my mess! I cant make it right if your face is still on my sight! You are the reason why we broke up!" i lose my shit. Im done with this.

She chuckled and walk towards me "Its.not me jungkook. Its you. Its your choice not mine. Did i tell you to fall in my act? Did i tell you to broke up with my little step brother? Did i? I didn't right? So dont blame me with your decisions. Cheating is not will, its a choice kookie" she whispered in my ears And smirk. "Get. Out" i close my eyes to calm down. "No." she was about to go upstairs when i grab her arm and drag her outside. "y-yeah!! Let me go!" she yelled. "i gave you chance yeri. But you choose to play.with me. " i push her on the ground and throw every luggages she have. "You are not allowed here whore." i said. "I will sue you!" she said. "Go ahead. I will file a case against you then. Trespassing and Being a golddigger years ago." i smirk.

"You will pay for this Jeon Jungkook!!!" i close my door. I grab my phone "Hey jimin. Please tell your friend to find another place to stay in. My house is not welcome to her." i hang up the call and take a shower after.

To be continue.......

TAEKOOK ONE SHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz