Thank you ⏳

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KTH pov.

Hi kookie! When you read this, it means i already arrived in my Destination, where no one can reach me out.hehehe..

Thank you for the love, care, for everything that you've showed to me. You know, I thought it was all sincere that i fall in your act.

Hahaha.. I dont care if you think im that stupid to love you and make you my first and my last. This past few days jungkook-ah i was depressed and my killer anxiety visiting me in my slumber. I was crying inside and outside. I just want to rest, cuz im too tired to all of this.

Sorry for making you mad in times when i was too clingy and annoying. Im sorry because i am not enough for you to find someone to give you what you need. I was upset of myself that, i was weakling and stupid.

You know, sometimes when im entered our bedroom, i saw you making out with different sluts every night, it makes my heart shattered into pieces that even me cant fix it. You always underestimate me, and degrade me infront of the school.

Im too tired kookie, please be happy for me. Dont hurt someone you love,  like you did to me. I will miss you bunny......

Love tae~

JJK pov.

I felt my heart clench a tear escape from my eyes, i sob and my knees completely give up "TAEEEHYUNG!!!!!!" i scream in agony and regret... "sorryy" i punch the cold floor that use to be warm by our embrace before. 

I run and run in the midst of the rain, its already midnight, i can hear your laughter, cries, and suffering. When i enter your apartment i saw you hang in the ceiling. Lifeless, and your pink lips turn into dark one, your tinted cheeks is now too pale. Im sorry baby.  


😭😭😭😭😭Im crying

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