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3rd pov

Taehyung was seriously broken because of his ex- boyfriend jeon jungkook who cheat on him with his bestfriend. He doesnt know what to do, he is fucking broken that in some point he is totally numb. After he found out the cheating thing, he got more serious, emotionless, heartless guy.

He didnt talk to jungkook nor jimin. He cant face them after what happened.

TH pov

Its been a years when they last met. Taehyung is now a successful business man, he has his own company, money, house,cars, everything except from one...

His old self....

I will show them how they messed up. Im not the weak, bastard taehyung they met years ago." smirk

While i was walking in the park, i saw my beloved ex and his present boyfriend or shall i say my ex bestfriend. They are so fucking annoying as hell. Haha..

"Hey" i said. They look shock when they saw me.
"Are you two deaf or something? Did i interrupt your lovely dovey moment?" i ask sarcastically.

"Mmm.. No, we-re ju-sst sh-ck to see yo-u here" said jimin while stuttering.

"Well, thats bad, since this is not yours, of course i have  the right to be here, right jeon?" i smirk in victory

"Ye-ahh" "why are you so look nervous? I dont bite. Btw, i want to invite the both of u, i have a throw up party in my house, u are not obliged to come, if u dont want then dont go., i want u two to be there. Arraseo?" i said

"Oo-kay" said jungkook while looking down.

"Well, bye.........
Bitches" i wave my hand while walking out

3rd pov

Taehyung house--

JM pov

"Kookie, i was surprise of the sudden change of taehyung" i said worriedly.
"Its okay chim, we understand him his hurt because of us" he hug me.
"Lets go inside" he smiled at me..

While me and jungkook walking in, i saw someone familiar, those small lips, pale skin, golden hair, i figure out who is he....

Yoongi my ex.....

I was interrupted when someone approach us. "ohhh... The couple is here" its taehyung " i thought you two cant make it." he pouted, i know its fake..
"Well, were here, shall we enjoy?" i said. " go, btw, i want to introduce to you my boyfriend" he said. I look at kookie and i saw a sad and annoyed expression in his eyes.

"Min yoongi this is jimin and jungkook, you know they are my exes! Hahaha.. Funny right?" he laugh, we felt humiliated esp. Me infront of my ex.
"nice to meet u" i said to yoongi, "jeon, arent you saying anything to my boyfriend?" tae ask, i saw jungkooks fist cleched. "hello yoongi" said kookie

"Well, we should go now, see yaaa" taehyung left with the guy.

"Kookie, calm down" i said, while holding his fist... "sorry"he said, i smile at him. Dont be affected jimin, u
Already move on.

JJK pov

I was hurt seeing him with other guy, i know its my fault. and his sudden change of behavior, i m not used to it, i felt uncomfortable. He is not the happy, fluffy,cool,cuty tae i know. I turn him into a monster.

While i was walking grabbing some drinks, i saw tae making out with that yoongi guy, i felt my heart clench for a reason, i was so angry, i cant take it anymore....i run to that guy and puch him across the face.

"THE FUCK ARE U DOING?!!!!" tae yelled, i felt hurt "CANT YOU SEE?! HE IS GETTING IN UR PANTS!" i barked out "THATS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS DIPSHIT! IF I WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE I CAN DO IT!" he spat back "Im hurting tae~" i said with a broken sob

He stared at me emotionless, "Well, i dont care, you did this  to yourself, so get used to it. And u dont have the rights to get laid in my personal life. Your nothing, but just an EX.. Just go to jimin and fuck him as you want". He said. I felt my heart broke into pieces.

He about to walk away, but i hold his wrist."dont ever walk out" he chuckled darkly"well, i want to. Dont come near me, you trash.. Now you feel how i feel that time while u are enjoying making out with my bestfriend! You dont know how ive been through! I was broken and i cant stand on my own, because the person who ive ever trust the most seriously kill me inside!!!! Now, dont ever attempt to talk nor see me, cuz i will gonna kill you with my own hands." he said seriously.

"sorry tae, that time i was stressed out because of my father and i-i that time i was drunk and a mess." i was sobbing hardly "then what? You go to jimin instead of me?" he said "no, i want to go to you, but your busy with ur work, and i was annoyed that time. So i hve planned to make out with jimin for you to see me"

"BULLSHIT!! I WORK FOR US!!! U PIECE OF SHIT! I DONT WANT TO FORGIVE U AND I AM NOT  PLANNING TO DO SO! Fuck off, and goodluck to your relationship" he said not looking back, i fell on my knees and sob harder

1hour later-----

JM pov

I saw jungkook walking to my direction, i approach him and i sense his crying " are u okay kook?" i ask " yes" i was bout to ask when i was cut off "everyone attention please!" its taehyung, i saw jungkook looking intensely to tae...

"this is the moment that i want to annouced to u why we gathered here tonight! " people are getting loud of excitement

"well, im getting married!" he said. Everyone are rejoicing..

"please welcome my fianće, Mr. Min yoongi" i was shock and i felt my heart shattered into million of pieces, a tear escape from my eyes, and i felt my world stop and i cant hear anything.. When i look at my side i saw jungkook, crying silently... We look at each other and look back at the stage, watching our exes, having fun while me and kook are suffering in pain and agony.

JJK pov.

This is my end. He is going to get married. This is my fault, watching him with other guy, having fun, those lips that i claim mine, those eyes that i always admire, those cheeks that i always carries is now just a dream.

He cant be mine........


I was wreck😖😖😖

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