Namjoon Gets Knocked Down (Pt 2)

Start from the beginning

Hoseok doesn't waste any time. "I've been talking to Namjoon's medical team. They've been doing some tests on him, and they've given me the results, and what they mean." His voice sounds a little strained, like he's trying to hold back tears. I can see the redness under his eyes where he's already let the mask slip.

"Hyung?" Jimin asks, his voice cracking with emotion already. "Is it bad?"

Hoseok nods his head, then frowns and shakes it. "I ... don't really know. There's some good things, and there's some bad things. There's some things that I don't really understand."

"Let's do the bad first," Seokjin says, shutting his eyes and sighing.

"They don't think his brain damage will fully go away. His brain has taken so much of it, that it can't heal. They think they'll be able to teach him how to talk again, but they're not sure if he can walk, because he still isn't showing signs of feeling his legs. They think he's paralysed, but he's still too drugged up for them to really be able to tell, plus his hips and the casts will be holding him back. They think he'll have a seizure disorder because of where the damage is, but they said he's not been fitting. We have to keep an eye on it for at least a year, but it could lay dormant for ages and then suddenly spring on him. He's like a time bomb, I guess, but they're certain he'll have black outs for long after. We just have to be there to protect him."

"Is that all the bad news?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No. They want us to sign a Do Not Resuscitate form. It'll be in place for the rest of his life.

"Jesus Christ," Yoongi mutters. "That's a bit intense, don't you think?"

Hoseok's face creases, and for a moment I think he's about to start crying, but he evens out and shakes his head. "They said it's not in his best interest. That resuscitating him could cause him way more issues, and destroy his quality of life. But if he's alive, they can't just end his life. He'll have to live like that."

"They said this ... They said that ... What the hell do they know?" Yoongi says angrily. Nobody says anything back, since we all know that they clearly know better than us, even if it's not what we want to hear.

"They want us to pass it on to his parents, since we didn't fill out their contact details. It's not our choice to make. However, I can see what they mean, and why they want it to be filled out. As much as I hate to say it, I think it's the best for Namjoon."

There's more silence in the room, as everyone accepts the fact that this is Namjoon's last call.

"But, there's still the good news. He had his tracheotomy out today, and he came around fine from the anaesthetic. He's gonna have a little scar on his neck, but he's breathing okay, and, if he can speak, will learn to restrengthen his voice. What's important though, is that it's out for good, and he shouldn't ever need it back. Plus, he actually smiled at me today. He seemed to recognise me. He looked all sad when I had to go."

"He's really breathing on his own?" Jungkook asks, tilting his head so his hair won't go into his eyes. He hasn't had a single haircut since the accident happened, and his hair is growing fast.

Hoseok nods. "He's doing a great job of it, too."

Jungkook suddenly bursts into tears, burying his face into his hands, shaking. I pull him into a hug, shushing him softly, and let him lean weakly into me as he tries to calm down.

"Also, he's got some of his basic movements back. He could swallow today, even though he can't eat anything, so he's not dribbling anymore, and he rubbed his eyes. His joints didn't seem as stiff as they have been, if you get what i mean?"

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