DG -45- Aches

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All of them scream when I almost stab my heart.. My heart that nonstop from pumping so fast everyday.

Jin hyung quickly went to me as he grabbed the knife from me and throw it immediately. He hold me on my shoulder as he look at my eyes, madly.

"You don't know what are you doing Kim Taehyung.. Stop this bullshit." He said calmly but I know that he's already worried and mad at the same time to me.

"Jin hyung.. Not now.." Jhope hyung stops Jin hyung as the escort me at the car.

My hyungs helped me to go to our house. Jin hyung drives the car while Hobi and Suga hyung helping me with my stuffs.

"I told you.. Don't do this.. Soyun don't like guys drinking alcohol.." Suga hyung scolded as a tear roll down in my face when I heard her name.




When we will meet again? I want to have a closure with her and worst, I want her back.. Not just closure.. But to win her back to me and start over again.

I rested my head on window while Hobi hyung wiping my face with wet towel. "Taehyung ah.. Please don't do this anymore.. Were so worried.. I don't know what to do anymore.."

I can feel the sincerity of Hobi hyung on what he said. He's voice were shaky. He's voice were with worried and crying tone.. I'm sorry hyung.

"You have cuts and bruises.. What did you do?" Jimin hyung scolded from the passenger seat.

I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and rest my body.

My mind were full of SOYUN. How can I win her back. How can I see her suffering alone without anyone else. How can I talk to her.

I'm so lonely, pain, agonies, sad, broken, depressed, stressed, pressured, scared, and afraid.

I'm feeling all of that even though I have friends to let out all my thoughts without hesitation.

I'm worried about her. I know she's feeling the same way I feel right now. She feels that millions times than me.

I don't know how can she suffer just claiming all the feelings she has alone. She don't have anyone else. If I were her, maybe I might kill myself..

Were already in our house.. Our house that was empty for almost a month.. Our house that full of broken glass and there's no more furniture inside.. I broke all of them..

Suga and Hobi hyung helped me to get up and escorted me to the living room. They sit me on the couch and I lay over there. I can't take it anymore.. I feel so dizzy..

"You better sleep.." Jin hyung said while taking off my shoes and jacket.

"H-hyung.." I whispered. I closed my eyes for the mean time and rest my body.

I'm so tired. I'm so tired for all the thing I've ever done!

"Sleep now Taehyung ah.. You better go to her tomorrow as soon as possible. And make the things better.. I don't want two of you suffering.." I heard Jin hyung said while stroking off my hair before my body shuts down.

"You know what.." She started. She played with her fingers as she says, "You know what.. I'm so tired. Yeah. Everyone knows that. I want to give the things up so My Oppas and Taehyung were already happy. Oh. They're happy now anyways.. While me, here.. suffering with my disease, everyday in the hospital, always fainting and always gasping for air... Alone.. What a beautiful life, isn't?"

My tears started to flow down non-stop. I can't help myself but to sob and cry so hard.

I look back and saw my hyung with Jungkook crying, watching us.

They were crying because i know, that we have just the same feeling.. We feel that Soyun really need us.

"I think I'm the only person who's begging for death. Yeah. I'm begging with it. Any problem with that? That's it. That's the problem, I want to die. No. It's not a problem anyways.. That's all what they wanted for me.."

It's all my mistakes.

Once, when we were fighting.. I shouted her..


I shouted it on her face that it makes her cry harder and harder. It melts my heart to see my wife crying.. But my pride leads me, and because of my pride, I lost her.

When she needs me the most.. I'm not with her..

She want to die.. because of me..

She's longing for it..

I couldn't help it anymore.. I hug her so tight.. To tell her that I'm always here now and not going to leave here anymore..

"Please.. Don't be like this.. I'm here. We are here.. No one would like to kill you.. No one!" I bursted. I can't resist it anymore.

I can't see her like this anymore.. I'll make her happy.. I'll make her smile everyday..

I don't care if she won't hug me in return.. All I want is to feel her that I'm here on her side, forever..

"I'm here.. Please.. Don't cry anymore.. Please.. I'm here.. It's me.. It's me Yeobo.. Please.." I hug her so tight. Very very tight.. I buried my face on her shoulder and claim her as she's mine right now.. forever.


How I missed calling you Yeobo..

How I missed your single touches..

How I missed your smile and aegyo..

How I missed your warm hug..

How I missed all of you..

"Don't worry anymore.. I'm here.. Yeobo.."

•••T O B E C O N T I N U E D•••

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