However, Einar also noticed that this healer was different. She had defied orders in the past and certainly doesn't care for the packs functioning procedure.

Garrick looked at his friend. What could possibly bring the healer here at this time? Garrick asked with curiosity.

I am as clueless as you are. Einar shrugged. He than faced the guard "Bring her in respectfully."

Aurora entered the room quivering, shaking and a little disturbed. The first thing both of them noticed were her wet clothes. It looked liked she was caught in a rain, but how could that be possible when the sky was clear outside.

She stood at a distance and looked at Einar firmly contemplating on how to broach the subject. Einar discerned her hesitation and spoke himself "I believe you have something to discuss healer." 

"Yes I do." She opened her mouth but ate her words when she realised Garrick was there too. "Actually.. I-I wanted to talk to you alone."

Garrick raised his brow while Einar sighed "Don't be hesitant. Garrick is a friend and I trust him with my life."

"ITS ABOUT CALLAN." Aurora uttered at a go with her fidgeting thumbs.

All color drained his face when he heard the healer talk about his mate. The beasts could sense that something was wrong with him. Unbeknownst to Einar, Garrick witnessed the tension surmounting and the glowing of the locket.

"Garrick would you mind giving us some space." Einar said without looking at his friend.

"But Einar.."

"Please Garrick.." Einar almost pleaded.

Garrick huffed and left the room with much reluctance.

Einar locked the room and appeared normal; his façade to hide his emotions. "So you were saying..."

"Callan u-uh." She sighed and took a deep breath. "Callan needs your help."

"What are you talking about?" His beasts knew there was something wrong with his mate but Einar dismissed them thinking that they were overly anxious.

"His injury is talking a toll on him." 

With every passing moment it was becoming difficult for Einar to control his emotions and have a straight face. To avoid Aurora, he turned his back and pretended to search for something. "I suppose he was recovering when mother visited him before sunset." he grabbed a seidel and poured some liquor to it.

"Yes but his condition deteriorated thereafter and he is now barely holding up."

"But you are the healer. How could you possibly think that I-I can help." he gulped glass after glass to ease his pain.

"If there is anyone in the world who can help Callan right now its YOU."

He put the glass with a thud on the table. "W-What do you mean?"

"The bite from the ferals has poisoned Callan's bloodstream.  You know as well that his healing power is that of a normal human. The situation has gotten so worse that even amputation cannot give him his life!"

Hearing about detaching his mates arm made him furious and he growled at her. Just the sight of blood earlier had made his beasts insane so how could he imagine him to be amputated. 

Einar got hold of his locket, took deep breaths and calmed himself.

"I'm sorry about that." he poured another glass of liquor through his throat.

"Its fine." she almost whimpered.

"So what do you expect me to do."

Aurora sighed "We have tried everything in our power, every magic that I knew has failed. We are running out of time to experiment anything on him. We don't want anything to backfire you know."

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