Day 76

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"Please call me..."

Harry has really tried hard to avoid crying again about the new information. But it's hard when most of his text come from Niall, Louis, and Zayn. Liam did text Harry once or twice regarding his isolation from Zayn and Louis a bit. But he just told him he was busy with school and left it at that.

Niall has yet to stop reminding Harry of all he's heard and Harry feels too weak in his heart to fight back. He wants to ask if Daniel has anything else to say. If he can swear it's the truth and show some proof, but for now he's muted Niall's text for the time being. He contemplated on muting Louis' but he couldn't do that either. Instead, he gave flat replies, no real emotion, and not answering any calls whether facetime or phone. It worried Louis to no end and he was scared something big was happening and Harry didn't want to talk about it.

Zayn as well was just worried. Asking every day if he was okay. Trying to talk to him at school, trying to meet up with him. Asking him if he can come over. So much that Harry said no to. Everyone around was worried about him. Well, everyone but Niall.

It became clear that Niall wanted something out of this. Maybe to be treated like a hero for delivering the news he thought others were too chicken to give. But instead Harry just sees him as a villain.

Lou 🌸: baby. i know these past few days u have been pushing me away. i wanna know why. im scared something is hurting u and u wont let me help. pls baby. pls. talk to me.

H 🌹: I'm okay..

Lou 🌸: i know ur not. babe, please talk to me. PLEASE. i want to be here for you, always. by ur side and never leave. wanna help you through this. please harry.

Harry feels the tears brimming again, he can't take this hurting. He can't stand not knowing anything certain.

Lou 🌸: h, baby. whatever it is, i'm here with you. talk to me.

Harry wonders if he should ever respond to Louis, wonders if he could bear to hear his worst fear being true.

Incoming Call
Lou 🌸

Call Denied

Lou 🌸: Harry Edwards Styles. Please talk to me. I know you're not okay.
Read 3:30 p.m

H🌹: ...

H🌹: ...

H🌹: ...

Louis' nervous, seeing Harry typing a lot. He worries what it might be. Harry's just building up the courage to actually type what he wants to and then just spits it out.

H 🌹: Are you still seeing Dan?

Lou 🌸: what?!

Lou 🌸: r u serious harry or is this a bad joke

H 🌹: Louis. This is serious. Are you still seeing Dan.

Lou 🌸: Fucking hell! Who told you this!

Lou 🌸: I would never in a million years go back to Dan, and i would never pick him over you. Harry you are my boyfriend and I like you and only you. I'm your boyfriend and that's it. idk where u heard other bullshit from but if dan is talking to u and trying to get in ur head i'm gonna kill him. i fucking like you so much, i would never do anything to jeopardise that.

H 🌹: Please call me...

Incoming Call
Lou 🌸



"I'm here babe. Always."

"S-So you're not with Dan?"

"No. I don't know who told you that but it is a full lie. You can look through my phone and ask Liam. I haven't spoken in Dan in ages. He doesn't even have my number. He goes through Liam to talk to me. I swear to you, I like you and only you.."

"Niall told me."


"Niall told me you were still seeing Dan."

"Fucking idiot. I knew it. He was just trying to pull you away from me."

"I-I don't think he was really trying.. I think he thought he was helping."

"God, Harry. I'm sorry but now I have a complete reason to dislike him. I cannot believe he would try to do that. I'm sorry he let you hurt him. How are you feeling, baby?"

"Horrible. I'm feeling relieved now but earlier I could not stop crying. It hurt to even see your text come in. And I tried to reject every call you made cos hearing your voice would break me down."

"Oh baby.. can I come over?"


"Course, babe. I'll leave right now and we can cuddle all night and you can introduce me to your family if you'd like. And we can cuddle and I can tell you how much I like you and only you and kiss all your tears away."



"Thank you."

"Of course. Anything for you. I'll be there in 20."

"Okay Lou. I miss you so much."

"I know. I miss you too.. And I hate to say this but I think you should tell Niall that he's wrong. I don't want him thinking he's got away with this."

"Yeah. Yeah. I will try. I just- I just want you to hold me."

"Of course, baby. I'll hold you tight."

"Lou. Thank you. See you soon."

"See you soon baby."

Call Ended


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