Day 17

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"Goodbye 👋👋👋 ✨💗👑Prince Louis👑💗✨"

Louis: morning h

Louis: i have a question i wanna ask you.

Louis: when you wake or have a free moment between classes, text me back :)
Read 9:26 a.m.

Harry: Good morning, Prince Louis. 👑☀️

Harry: Btw, i'm changing your name forever in my phone to Prince Louis.

Prince Louis 👑: and i'm changing your name to hairy styles

Prince Louis: actually I can't stand that.. you're just gonna be styles.

Styles: You're crazy annoying. 🙄

Prince Louis 👑: but hey you still tolerate me.

Styles: Yeah, and then some.

Prince Louis 👑: shh

Prince Louis 👑: back to me and what i have to say

Styles: Yes, demanding Prince.

are you seeing anyone

[Delete Delete Delete]

Prince Louis 👑: how are you doing? hm

Prince Louis 👑: i realise i'm kinda an arse sometimes and i don't really check up on you.

Styles: Seriously?

Styles: That's sweet Louis. Really means a lot. 😊

Prince Louis 👑: you really like emojis this morning, don't you h

Styles: Your text just put me in a better mood.

Styles: So, yeah. I'll just say i'm in a good mood.

Prince Louis 👑: that's good! i'm glad to hear

Prince Louis 👑: so are you in class right now.

Styles: Mmm, yeah. I'm doing a group project so.. i've got time to spare for you.

Prince Louis 👑: for me? such a gentleman..

Styles: You know what I mean.

Prince Louis 👑: lol yeah ok

Prince Louis 👑: so how's your class

Prince Louis 👑: i always thought school was boring

Styles: It's alright. It's a science class so, yeah it's boring.

Styles: Louis are you okay?

Prince Louis 👑: what? yes? why are you asking?

Styles: Just because you seemed really urgent this morning but your question was just not as urgent as I thought.

Prince Louis 👑:oh yeah i'm cool.

Styles: Louis...

Prince Louis 👑: yes mum

Styles: Come on. Be honest with me and trust me a little.

Prince Louis 👑: well i think it's time

Styles: Woah. That sounds creepy.

Prince Louis 👑: no not like that you freak.

Prince Louis 👑: i think i finally trust you enough for you to show me a genuine picture of yourself.

Read 10:36 a.m.

Styles: Sorry. I'm busy with class, i'll text you when i'm on lunch!
Read 10:40 a.m.

Styles: Okay! I'm on lunch!
Read 11:50 a.m.

Prince Louis 👑: whatcha eating for lunch h

Styles: Mum's famous credit card that gets me a coffee and a sandwich from Starbucks.

Prince Louis 👑: wow. that really puts my homemade pb&js to shame.

Styles: I bet it does.

Styles: But back to our earlier conversation...

Prince Louis 👑: yea what about it??

Styles: Well I mean. Wow. You trust me? And you want to see me?

Prince Louis 👑: yes omg shut up

Prince Louis 👑: just say yes or no before i change my mind

Styles: Well duh. I wouldn't mind showing you a photo of me, but...

Prince Louis 👑: but what

Styles: But will you send me one too?
Read 12:13 p.m.

Styles: Hey, no answer, no picture.

Prince Louis 👑: ugh. fine.

Styles: Yay!

Styles: I'll send you a picture after class! I'll take it too so it'll be original! 😊✨🎀🌈

Prince Louis 👑: gosh, enough with the emojis

Styles: Well 🙃 why, 👑👑Prince Louis👑👑✨ ? I 😍💖 using them to make my text look cuter 💗💗🎀

Prince Louis 👑: youre annoying.

Styles: But yet here you are.

Prince Louis 👑: shut up. text me after class

Styles: Goodbye 👋👋👋 ✨💗👑Prince Louis👑💗✨
Read 12:27 p.m.


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