Day 26

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"louis pls answer us."

Louis groans out at his conversation with Harry, tossing his phone face-down onto his couch. He was so frustrated. No one but Liam could possibly understand his mind at a moment like this. He thought he could try and have a normal and a non-intrusive conversation with Harry but that just made him more annoyed than he was already. Why does everyone seem to want to try and pry information from Louis? Sometimes he wants to be the only person that knows.

Louis sees his phone vibrating, and assuming it was Harry he ignores it. He storms angrily from the living room where he begins to try and tidy up the house a bit, grumbling lowly to himself about things that made no sense but to his anger-clouded mind he was just in the complete right side. A few hours roll by and after a bit of cleaning, studying, and showering, and Louis' forgotten everything except Dan. Continuously thinking what he was going to tell him and how he was going to stand his ground. Keep him at bay and not let him get too close to where he can manipulate Louis again.

The lad is settled on his bed, towel wrapped around his waist as he moves to pull up some music on his phone to get ready to. He had some grocery shopping to do so he decided late night shopping was better than no shopping. He sees an old notification from earlier in the day all the way until ten minutes ago from Zayn and Liam. He clicks them, instantly realizing this must have been what he thought was Harry earlier. Then he thinks of Harry and what he said. Oh god he had some cleaning up to do.

louis pls answer us

Z has changed the group name to "louis pls answer us".

Lima: Hey, this is like the 2038485th and last message we'll send you but we're gonna be at Lotus if you want to meet us for some drinks.

Z: yea, li told me and if you wanna talk we can talk. if not we can pour a couple shots and brainstorm all the different ways you can say 'fuck you' to Dan!
Read at 9:10 p.m.

Z: he's alive!

Lou: ...

Lou: ...

Lou: ...

Lima: Nice to know you're alive, arsehole.

Lou: sorry lads. drinks sound really nice and needed right about now. i just got out of the shower so how about i get ready and meet you guys at li's and we can uber from there? think if we're drinking none of us should drive and/or leave our cars there.

Lima: Sounds like a plan mate! See u soon!
Read 9:15 p.m.

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━

Louis lets out a gentle and content sigh, shaking his head again but this time with a smile. Liam and Zayn were such an odd couple but he was glad they were together and his closest friends. He couldn't imagine going through everything with Dan without them. Liam and Zayn collectively got Louis up from his deep dark abyss where he never wanted to move from. And Zayn's the one that told Louis to just text Dan and get all his pent up anger out. And that's something he's most grateful for, grateful for Harry. Such a pure person, and he really makes Louis feel cared for. He sighs out, remembering their conversation. He had to apologize in the morning.

With a tap on his phone, some music is softly playing through his speakers on his phone as he starts getting ready for a night with his friends. He gets dressed, brushes his teeth, grabs the last of his food, and is out the door to Liam's house. He texts when he gets there and they both instantly hug Louis, but Zayn tells him 'if you need to i'll make Liam fuck him up' and Louis just laughs. By the time they're at Lotus, Louis is laughing loudly at the dramatic scenarios the couple is coming up with for tomorrow and how they'll save Louis. It's cute though, caring so much for Louis. He loves them.

"Alright. Drinks on me?" Louis offers as they're walking inside. Liam scoffs, rolling his eyes while looking over at Zayn who just shrugs. "How about just a round?" He tries compromising but Louis is already starting a tab for the three of them, ordering shots. He turns back to the couple and smiles gently. "Sorry, I don't want to waste time. My nerves are so on edge I just want to forget about tomorrow for a little bit."

Zayn tilts his head to the side, smiling sadly as he watches Louis talk. "Lou, mate, you haven't got to do this. Fuck Dan. You don't have to meet with him." The older lad just shrugs off his comment and shakes his head. "I need to. I don't want to, or have to, but I need to. I just need us to have a completed story. Like- I need this ending." He whispers, his fingers already picking at the hangnail on the end of his finger. God he was nervous as fuck. Hopefully Liam and Zayn can ease him.

After a couple of shots and a few other drinks, the lot are laughing with each other and singing loudly and horribly to a random song playing over the speakers. But nobody minds, everyone in their own business just drinking happily. Louis' interrupted by a buzzing of his phone and he checks it, instantly beaming at seeing Harry's name

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━

Styles: Hey, i'm very sorry if I stepped over a line with you. I'm just really worried about you today. Text me back whenever you want to talk, or just forget about it.

Tommo : lol h im the idiot fr snapoin at u theres no need fr that.

Styles: ...

Styles: ...

Styles: ...

Tommo : seriously culd never b mad at u! u make me so happy im not sure id be the same if u werent ariund. never liked someone the way i like u

Styles: Louis, are you right? Do I need to come pick you up?

Tommo : no im happy enough just tlking t u. cant imagine what id do if i was nxt t u.

Styles: Louis you're not making sense.

Tommo : jesu s h calm down. i mean i guess imm saying i like u butbin a romantic kind of way hahahahaha

Styles: Hey, are you drunk?

Tommo : yea y

Styles: Can you delete our messages tonight?

Tommo : yea h i know how to fuckin delete shit lmao. y?????

Styles: Because I really like you too Louis,but i'm worried you wont remember this tomorrow and i'll feel foolish later when we both realise you really don't feel the same way.

Tommo : ok but i really like u

Tommo : like i straight up think ur gorgeous and i luve ur compant!

Styles: ...

Styles: ...

Styles: ...

Tommo : and i always knew u liked me toooo ...... ur not good at hiding itttt

Styles: Goodnight Lou. If you need a ride just ring me, but i'll text you in the morning.

Tommo : night h xxxxxx 😘😘😉🤪🤪😊

Styles: Delete our text please. x

Tommo : ok night love xx 😩🤩👍🏻✨✨✨

Delete conversation with "Styles"?


louis locks his phone, shoving it back into his pocket with a big dorky smile all because Harry said that he liked him. And damnit he wanted so badly for Harry to be here because then he could be so honest with him. He just wasn't ready.

After they decide they've had enough drinks, the lads all pile into a car to take them all back to Liam's and they're stumbling to find a comfortable spot on Liam's couch all with smiles on their faces. And Louis' smile was all for Harry.


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