Day 61

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"We are boyfriends!"

Louis wakes up to a sweet smell of coffee and waffles. And he hears the melodic singing coming from his boyfriend's lips in the kitchen. With a quick stretch he's out of the bed and making his way to the kitchen. Instead he startled Harry in the hallway.


"Haha, sorry babe. I came to check in on you."

"Aw. I was gonna check on you, bring you some breakfast in bed."

Louis looks over the spread Harry's made and his heart swells. A full on breakfast that Harry's laid out on a serving tray. Harry though seems a little embarrassed so Louis takes the tray and motions back to the room.

"Grab the rest and meet me in the room."

Harry beams, flashing his pretty little dimples and turning back to the kitchen with a small hitch in his step. Louis chuckles, knowing full well where that came from. He makes his way back to his bed and sets the tray down just as Harry's shuffling in with their coffees and syrup.

"This looks amazing Harry. You really didn't have to do all this for me."

"Eh, I wanted to. I knew I would wake up a bit before you so I figured I could make you breakfast."

"Ah. That's why you suggested I get certain things."

Harry smiles bright, setting the cups down on the nightstand and moving to settle next to Louis, his boyfriend. He giggles a little bit and looks over at Louis with sparkling eyes. No doubt Harry was head over heels now, especially after last night. He knew Louis could take care of him and it made him hopeful. Maybe this relationship would not be like the others. This seemed like a dream.

Louis leans over to gently kiss the younger lad, keeping it sweet and simple, and Harry just cuddles into him. He pulls away and kisses his forehead.

"Sleep well?"

"Like a baby."

"Good. I hope you don't regret last night. I don't want you to feel pressured or scared to say no to me. Or tell me what you really think."

"Baby, i'm fine. It's perfect. Last night was the best night of my life."

"I'm glad I could be the one to make you feel that way."

"I felt safe. I felt really safe and cared for."

"That's all I want."

"Thanks. Now try my waffles. I want your honest opinion."

Harry hands Louis a fork, watching him with wide and hopeful eyes. Louis nods and takes a fork and a bite of the waffle. He hums happily.

"Amazing. Best waffles. Thanks baby."

The rest of the morning is just them eating breakfast and sharing sweet compliments while staring into each other's eyes. They can't help it.

When 1 o'clock rolls around, they're getting ready, complimenting each others looks as they get ready to head to the store.

"Let's just take my car."

"No, Lou. We should walk. It says it's not too far from here, and I think we have enough time."

"I'm just so worried about being late. I really wanna get to Zayn before everyone shows up."

"I know baby. I do. We will have time. I'll even ask them to wrap it at the shop. It's no worries."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Come on."

Louis sighs as he takes Harry's hands, lacing their fingers and letting himself be lead away from his car parked out front. He shows Harry the way to the shop and once they're inside, Harry's quick to settle his eyes on the right gift and Louis agrees. The gift is wrapped as Louis pays and within 25 minutes they're back home.

Louis sighs out in relief and hugs Harry tightly once they're home. Harry just kisses him again and giggles just a bit. They grab their things, and Harry grabs his gift before heading out to Louis' car for the drive to Zayn's. During the drive, Harry quietly sings along and Louis listens happily.

At Zayn's house, Louis parks besides Liam's car and climbs out with the gifts in hand. Harry looks over at Louis, smiling wide. Just as Zayn's walking iutside, Louis beams.

"Hey, mate! Happy birthday!"

Zayn comes over to hug them both, grinning wide.

"Thanks Lou! Thanks so much for coming guys."

"Yeah, of course, Zee."

"Come inside."

The boys follow Zayn inside and see Liam chilling on the couch, grinning as the three boys enter.

"Hey boys! You made it!"

"Hey, Li!"

Louis and Liam share a quick hug before Louis settles on the couch. Harry moves to set down Zayn's gifts on the coffee table and offers a bright smile. Zayn smiles back, thanking the two boys for the gifts and settling next to Liam, leaning into his boyfriend with a smile.

"So, what's made you two drop over so early? Not that we mind."

Louis hums softly, offering Liam a laugh. He looks over at Harry who's just blushing. Liam and Zayn exchange confused glances before Louis is sighing softly.

"Well, I want to let you guys know that last night I asked Harry to be my boyfriend. And, of course he said yes. So yeah, we're boyfriends, now."

Zayn gasps, beaming and Liam joins as they both pull the other boyfriends in for a hug.

"Oh my god! Louis! Harry! Really?!"

"Yeah! Haha! Louis asked me last night when we were eating dinner."

The four boys spend the next thirty minutes discussing their first double date and opening Zayn's presents. When Harry leave to the bathroom, the two boys notice the limp in his step and they all are playfully punching Louis for deflowering his boy so quickly.

Harry comes back to settle on the couch next to Louis, letting the lad drape his arm around his shoulders and when the guest start arriving, Zayn goes to let them in and Louis helps put out the food while Harry and Liam catch up alone. They all enjoy the party and Louis is happy to introduce Harry as his boyfriend around to people. After all is done, the four lads are saying goodbyes and Louis and Harry are saying their own goodbyes at Louis' front door, ending the night with a kiss and a promise to see each other soon again.


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