Day 23

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"I'll see you for our date tonight, love."

Incoming call from: Styles

Louis groans, rolling over on his bed and pressing his tired face to the pillow below him. He tries to keep away as much light as possible as he opens his eyes to read his phone. Then in an instant he shoots straight up, sitting on his bed and looking more awake than ever.

Why was Harry calling him? They only said they were going to call tonight and nothing before. Fuck, Louis' nervous again but he doesn't want to miss it. Within a second he answers and pulls the phone to his ear, propping it with his shoulder as he leans against the headboard of his bed.


"Ah, morning Lou. Did I wake you?"

Harry's morning voice was to die for. So low and gravelly, could be a lullaby if Louis was still so tired. But somehow, being obviously tired, Harry continued to sound so chipper.

"No, no. Not a bit. Was awake hours before you rang."

"Really? Well, Tommo i'm impressed. I never thought-"

"Shut up H. I'm obviously joking."

Louis' small laugh gets Harry to quickly change from slightly confused to just a bit happier. He smiles, loving their little bits of banter. Though Louis always says the same ten things in response.

"Oh, haha. Just thought i'd give you a good morning call rather than a text. Thought it would be more personal."

"Personal, eh, Styles? What are you trying to get at?"

"Other than you? Nothing really."

Louis blushes crimson. Why is it this teenager makes Louis feel so childish. He's the one with butterflies and little giggles and red cheeks when Harry talks. But little does he know on the other end Harry does the same. Neither of them realise, too busy trying to cover up everything.

"Me? You're trying to get at me? What the hell would make you wanna do that?"

"Your pictures I saw. You're handsome and i'd be mad not to even try a little."

Louis snorts a bit, finally climbing out of bed to start off his morning routine a little earlier than expected.

"I think you're mad to even try at all."

"You call it mad, I call it courageous."

"Courageous my arse. What the hell are you doing up so early anways? Aren't you on a winter break or something?"

Louis is quick to change the subject. He doesn't want Harry to really think about anything he says for too long. Louis is embarrassed enough by what he's texted Harry. Speaking to him was a whole other ballpark, since he could hear Harry react in real time. Whew. Deep breath Louis, you're starting to seem too socially awkward.

"Yes. I'm on winter break. And so are you. So spend this time talking to me because i've got a house to myself for the day and waking up at seven is so bloody boring when you've got nobody to annoy."

"Can't you annoy Zayn? Or your other friends?"

"I could. But they enjoy it too much. That's why I annoy you. You're the only one I enjoy to annoy. Haha."

"Enjoy to annoy? That should be your trademark."

Harry rolls his eyes, fighting and fighting to break that smile that's been growing on his lips since Louis picked up the phone. It makes him mad that this random bloke's got this kinda spell on Harry. Like he'll fall for anything he says. He's too damn trusting for his own good.

"Ha Ha, Tommo. Don't act like you don't love it."

"Love what? A seventeen year old who wakes me up too early on a Saturday morning when he should be nursing a hangover or something that teens these days do."

"'Teens these days'?! Love, you're only three years older than me. Stop acting like you're forty."

Love. Harry calling Louis a pet name sent a tingle down his spine, making his smile grow. He laughs, only gently as he continues.

"I don't act like i'm forty."

"Yes you do. I mean, you're halfway there."

And now Harry is laughing a bit too. They're not quite sure why but now they're in this comfortable little bubble where something is just so amusing to both of them. Man, was Harry crushing hard now.

"You know, Louis. I've complimented you before but you've yet to tell me how fit you think I am in my photo."

Louis chortles.

"Love. I have told you you were adorable."

Louis tries throwing out that nickname, hoping the two of them can knock it back and forth for a while until they find something more comfortable to use.

"Yes but love that was a picture of me from when I was like 12."

And did Louis' heart melt. Not only did he know that Harry acknowledged his use of the nickname, but he said no complaints, only continued using it as platonically as they could.

"Well love, let's just apply that to all pictures of you."

"I can't love, I'd rather you give me new compliments for all sorts of pictures of me."

"Love.. you look well and healthy in your picture."

"Well and healthy, love? That all you got to say?"

Besides that you look like a fucking ace and that I wish you could just kiss me so I could feel what that tongue could do rather than just imagine it... love?

"You're... very handsome love."

"That's better, love."

"Alright, love."


Harry mutters, but he forgets to say anything else. He just lets them sit in this brew of comfortable silence where both boys are just smiling at nothing, holding up there phones and wishing to be face-to-face. Oh what a day.

Louis clears his throat which brings Harry out of his trance.

"I'll see you for our date tonight, love."

"Yeah.. see you then, love."


Louis whispers like his voice can't fucking work. He's so embarrassed but he waits for Harry to say anything.

"Bye love."

The younger whispers before hanging up. Louis fucking loses it, giggling like a school girl who couldn't stop gawking at the pretty boy that called him cute. God he was embarrassing himself. He can't even talk right. He needed help. He needed Liam. What the fuck came over him. Why on earth couldn't he think straight. Harry has him fucked up.

On the other end, Harry had fallen back on his bed, beaming at the ceiling. His phone was in his hand perched against his chest. Fucking hell, Louis was making him feel so different. Sure he's dated plenty and all but no ones ever really made Harry feel like this inside just by talking to them. It really made him think. He needs to talk to Zayn.


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