Day 2

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"um srry but no thanks."

Unknown: Hello stranger. x

Louis: wht do u want?

Unknown: Oh, nothing. You didn't reply yesterday and you seemed quite upset.

Louis: yea i fell asleep..

Louis: so...

Unknown: What's your name?

Louis: my name?

Louis: Louis.

Unknown: Hi Louis! x

Louis: um yea and u r?

Unknown: Harry. I told you yesterday.

Louis: o yea. hi harry.

Unknown: So how are you?

Louis: im srry is there something u want from me?

Unknown: What's that supposed to mean?

Louis: like y r u texting me?

Unknown: Yesterday you were talking about your ex? I was just wondering if you needed someone to talk to or anything.

Louis: um srry but no thanks.

Louis: idk u and its kinda weird.

Unknown: Well then get to know me.

Louis: y would i do that? ur probably sum 70 year old perv man who just wants a picture of me to wank to..

Unknown: I'm a little hurt by that, Louis. :(

Unknown: But if it makes you feel better, I'm not that old.

Louis: well how am i supposed to believe u?

Unknown: I'm not quite sure. Would you like a photograph of me?

Louis: no. anybody can send a photo to someone.

Unknown: So what would you rather me do, Louis?

Louis: nothing. i dont want to be friends with u so...

Unknown: Oh come on, Louis. You don't even know me so how can you make judgement so quickly?

Louis: i can and i have so gtf over it

Louis: idk who u r or what you want but ur not going to be friends with me so stop texting me

Unknown: Oh.

Unknown: Well then I understand. Goodbye Louis.

as always, leave some comments as the story goes on...


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