Night 60

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I have never once written anything like this but I wont lie it was actually fun! Lmao. Let me know what you think, and if you're not into smut, you can skip this chapter since i'll be uploading a new one soon after this :). And if you need to recap, this comes right after the last day 60 chapter so go ahead and reread that if you'd like to remember where it left off. ☺️

Louis carries Harry up to his room, letting Harry wrap his legs around his waist. Once in the room, he settles Harry onto the bed, falling on top of him with a smirk. Harry just gazes up at him with hazy eyes, and a bit of a dazed look. Already, he was rolling his hips up into Louis.

"Baby, don't tease me."

"Move faster then, I just want you."

Quickly reconnecting their lips, Louis feels the shock in their mouths as well as the heat in their bodies. They continue grinding, sensually. Slowly as to savour the moment. Harry's moans were swallowed by Louis as the older lad worked on undressing the both of them. He pulls back, letting Harry give small little groans as he's tugging off Louis' shirt. And then it's Harry's turn so he sits up while the shirts are thrown onto the floor. Harry is panting, watching Louis who's so stricken with love he can't help but kiss him again.

"So so beautiful like this. So gorgeous."

Louis whispers, gently tracing over Harry's rosy cheeks. He pushes his curls away from his face as Harry drags his hands down Louis' torso and to the front of his sweats. Gently tugging, Harry gets them down to Louis' knees and from there he kicks them to the ground. Just as Harry slips his fingers under the waistband of Louis' boxers, his boyfriend stops him. He looks into his eyes, smiling.

"Are you sure you're ready for this now?"

Harry just giggles.

"What's the point in waiting. We'll do it eventually. And if we start now, we'll have a lifetime of it to look forward to."

"Okay, but I want to have like a safeword, yeah? If we go too far, just say it and we'll stop."

"Baby, don't worry."

"I just need you to pick something so i know you have a way out."

"Fine babe. Let's use colours. Red, yellow, and green. Okay? Red can be my stop and yellow can be more good that bad, but not the best. And green is i'm okay. Now can we please continue?"

Louis chuckles and nods, letting Harry discard his boxers for him. And out jumps his erect member. Louis moves to unbutton Harry's jeans, tugging off his jeans and briefs at the same time so Harry can work on kicking them down to the edge of the bed.

Both boys still for a moment, taking in the one thing they are ready to do, willing to give their entire bodies and trust each other completely. It's beautiful and still Harry is watching Louis, still dazed with lust.


Louis whispers. Harry just blushes and looks away.

"Stop i'm hard and I don't want to be embarassed."

Louis chuckles as he's leaning down, tipping Harry's chin back to face him and quickly connect their lips.

"Just want to make sure you know how beautiful you are. In every way. No matter what."

Harry hums into the kiss and rolls up his hips again. Louis lets out a soft moan and rolls his hips back, both boys beginning to grind against each other, eager to chase that high slowing building.

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