Day 22

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Styles: So did you ask?

Tommo : ask what??

Styles: Oh my goodness, Lou. I told you to ask Liam if he remembers me.

Tommo : oh yea. I did ask

Styles: Great!

Tommo : so you think I can call out sick for work today or am I pushing it?

Styles: Louis!!

Styles: Okay, don't call out that's stupid! Now tell me what Liam said.

Tommo : ugh ok fine.. oh and liam said yeah he remembers you. said you three hung out a few weeks ago at a diner.

Styles: Yes!! Wow, that's so weird.

Tommo : yeah yeah. so why shouldn't I call out.

Styles: Because you called out yesterday and you were barely sick. Stop being dramatic.

Louis: ...

Louis: ...

Louis: ...

I could be dying for all you know styles

Styles: And no, you're not dying..

[Delete Delete Delete]

Tommo: whatever

Styles: Haha, I caught you just before you started whining..

Tommo : first of all.. shut up.. second, you're younger than me. start acting like it.

Styles: Hmm, no.

Tommo : anyways..

Styles: You know, speaking of awkward gaps in conversation...

Tommo : ugh you make us sound so socially awkward

Styles: Because we kinda are.

Styles: But that's not what I'm talking about right now.

Tommo : than what are you talking about?

Styles: Want to call me today?

Tommo : call you??

Styles: Yeah, today is a good day to just get that out of the way..
Read 5:35 p.m.

Tommo : I mean I guess

Styles: You guess?

Styles: I want a clear yes or no, Tomlinson.

Tommo : yes

Styles: Woohoo! Okay, I'll call you in a bit, yeah?

Tommo : sounds like a plan..
Read 5:40 p.m.

Styles: Okay, let me help my mum with something and i'll text you right before I call.

Tommo : ok h. take your time, don't rush.
Read 5:43 p.m.

Louis didn't understand but all of a sudden his heart started beating faster. His hands got clammy and he didn't even want to look at his phone. It gave him a weird feeling in his stomach.

" T E R R IB L E " larry textingWhere stories live. Discover now