Day 60

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"Kiss me you fool."

Harry and Louis sat across the couch, watching a movie together. Harry's long legs strewn across Louis' lap as he laid there watching, giggling to the movie every so often. Louis was sat upright, gazing at his BOYFRIEND every so often. He couldn't believe this was real. Harry was finally his boyfriend. Oh how lucky he is.

After a moment, Harry glances over with a raised eyebrow, smirking.

"Are you watching me, or the film, Tommo."

Louis just sighs, chuckling a little after.

"Just can't believe it. I have the most beautiful boy, inside and out, as my boyfriend. I don't know how I ever got so lucky or just how I am going to repay God for this."

Harry blushes brightly, trying to seem unbothered as he rolls his eyes and looks back to the tv. Louis notices and grins widely.


Louis sees Harry try to hide the fact that he is melting for Louis' words. But now that they are boyfriends... it just feels like it isn't enough.

"You know, H. I was so scared to ask you out. This whole time, I was scared you wanted to take it slow cos we still do live farther away. Or because of you still being in school."

Harry looks over to give Louis his attention to him fully now.

"I'm just trying to say you're changing me for the better. I can't thank you enough. And I just hope we change together."

Harry tilts his head a bit, pouting in the slightest.

"You... You're such a romantic. I truly appreciate you sharing this side with me. It's a Louis I know I will love as much as the rest."

"I'm glad. I just feel safe with you."

"I do too."


Harry takes this moment to take his legs off of Louis' lap and sit up with him, scooting closer.

"I wanna tell you a secret too."

Louis' eyes widen and he scoots in, ready to listen.

"We haven't really shared a real first kiss yet. And I can't ever find the right moment to actually do it."


"And I was just thinking..."


"Well, what about this moment?"

Louis' lips curve into a smile involuntarily and he rakes his eyes over his boyfriend's face, stopping at his lips and biting on his own.

"This moment? Right now?"


"You mean, right now?"

"Yes Louis, stop teasing me."

"So, like, you want us to kiss right now?"


"I'm kidding, i'm kidding."

"I just love this moment, and I want to seal the night off with a kiss."

Louis brings his hand up to caress Harry's jaw tipping his head up just a bit.

"Well, what are you waiting for. Kiss me you fool."

And Louis does, leaning forward to lock lips with Harry's. They're soft, and plush, and warm. And so so addictive. The kiss starts gently, both boys holding each other so delicately, scared that something- anything could ruin this moment. But this time nothing does. Both boys are in complete bliss as they move their lips in sync.

A moment passes and they feel the heat rising. Their passion comes to the surface and bubbles over. Louis is nibbling at Harry's lower lip to which Harry replies with a soft moan and a parting of his lips. The boys explore each other's mouths, hands sliding around their bodies to remember every bump, dip, slip, nook, just everything. It feels electric. Much much more than their first peck. This- this was something foretold by the gods. That these two boys with electric hearts would find each other and create a shock so powerful, it will resonate for generations to come.

Louis is quickly pulling Harry in by his waist, settling him on his lap, while Harry's hands are getting lost in the feathery forest of Louis' hair. It's beautiful. Just finally feeling complete with someone. They were different. They knew it. But together, they felt the same. When the two boys lose their breath, Louis takes it upon himself to trail soft butterfly kisses along Harry's jaw, happily making his way down to his neck. He nibbles delicately, listening to Harry's breathing hitch as well as his hips rolling. The two were young, so it didn't take much for them to realise where this night was heading. But neither minded.


Harry breathes out, voice barely above a croak.


"I- uh- oh god..."

Harry whispers, gripping gently onto Louis' hair as the older lad settles on creating a mark just below his jaw. It's literally breathtaking.

"Talk to me baby, what do you want?"

Harry's starting to pant as he rolls his hips again.


Louis smirks a bit, kissing over as much exposed skin as he could, speaking against it.

"Let me carry you to the room, yeah?"

He can't even speak anymore, just nods quickly to let Louis do what he needed to. And if the rest of the night was spent letting the neighbourhood know Louis' name, loud and clear, so be it. Both boys were finally falling in love.


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