Day 68

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"Fuck u. now i miss u more."

Lou 🌸: baby i miss u

H 🌹: It has only been a week!

Lou 🌸: i know. but i just am sick of classes right now and i want u to come over.

H 🌹: Love, I know. But I have to study right now. I told you, maybe this weekend.

Lou 🌸: babyyyyyy

H 🌹: Babeeeee.

Lou 🌸: i just miss u. like fucking hell, i can't stop thinking about u :(

H 🌹: Hon. I miss you just as much, I promise.

Lou 🌸: i need a kiss. kiss me pls.

H 🌹: Muah! 💋💋

Lou 🌸: lol ur adorable

Lou 🌸: literally u cure my depression

H 🌹: That's just what i'm here for, babe. <3

Lou 🌸: but ur not actually here! i MISS u

H 🌹: Picture me with you! I promise i'd be there if I could. I just have so much homework to finish and test to study for. I need you to do the same. And then this weekend i'll drive straight to your house and we can be together all weekend. And then in a two weeks we both have a break in classes. And maybe you can come over to my house, keep me company while my families out for a few days?

Lou 🌸: Sounds perfect really. ugh. don't make me do more homework..

H 🌹:

H 🌹: You got this babe! I'm cheering for you!Read 1:34 p

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H 🌹: You got this babe! I'm cheering for you!
Read 1:34 p.m.

H 🌹: Lou???

H 🌹: Babe?

Lou 🌸: gorgeous... seriously.

Lou 🌸: my boyfriend is so pretty 😍🤤

H 🌹: Haha! Shut up!

Lou 🌸: can't help it. you're so pretty.

Lou 🌸: ur eyes. fuck.

Lou 🌸: im just lost in them

Lou 🌸: fuck u. now i miss u more

H 🌹: I wish you'd do some more school work, love.

Lou 🌸: fine... i will do it.

H 🌹: Thanks love. Facetime later on tonight?

Lou 🌸: will u be naked?? ;)))

H 🌹: Louis! 😂 Stop it. We are not getting naked over the phone.

Lou 🌸: so.... this weekend?

H 🌹: You are so gross.

Lou 🌸: okok so no nakey time. but.. will I get to see ur pretty smile?

H 🌹: Only if I can see your beautiful smile too.

Lou 🌸: just for u, love 🌹

H 🌹: All i've ever wanted, Lou 🌸.


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